From: Ron Johnson on
On 06/20/2010 05:58 AM, Stan Hoeppner wrote:
> Ron Johnson put forth on 6/20/2010 4:44 AM:
>> On 06/20/2010 04:04 AM, Stan Hoeppner wrote:
>>> Ron Johnson put forth on 6/20/2010 1:52 AM:
>>>> Gee, I've got a lot of Linksys kit... It didn't used to be like that.)
>>> Too much shopping at WorstBuy et al and not enough at Newegg, Fryes,
>>> etc maybe?
>> On the contrary, I do almost all my shopping at NewEgg.
> Ditto. I pick up all computer/networking related stuff from Newegg, some
> other electronics as well. Newegg simply rocks IMHO. The one thing I
> couldn't bring myself to buy from Newegg was my LCD TV. I bought the same
> unit I was looking at on Newegg locally, for many reasons, not the least of
> which was immediate warranty swap if it failed.

Heh, that's what we did. Also because it was our first HD LCD and
were concerned that the quality might just be *bad* on our -- at the
time -- SD quality cable service.

We also just locally bought (technically: on the web, for local
pickup and possible return) a flash-memory camcorder. Actually, we
bought *two*, returned them both and are buying a 3rd.

> The other was having to take
> off work to accept delivery. Newegg doesn't ship their large TVs via UPS or
> FedEx, but via no-name courier/freight companies who only deliver during
> business hours, i.e. 8-5. This is how it was at that time anyway, which was
> 2006'ish.

Double-heh: I telecommute.

Seek truth from facts.

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