From: Andrea Dallera on
Dude. Enough.
You're breaking everyone's balls. Please stop this.

Andrea Dallera

On Thu, 2010-04-08 at 22:20 +0900, thunk wrote:
> yes
> the offer of working with a 3rd party to make clone-able fully
> functioning - closed loop demos stands.
> the need to communicate has been lowered a few levels as sense has
> been made of things.
> exciting it is:
> .....probably, mostly, (putting thunk in the shoes of the Ruby
> Community)
> because it would demonstrate a simple thing in a simple way...
> ......confusing it is because it is not a gem, and it is not a rails
> alternative
> ......confusing it is because it is bigger than a breadbox, in fact
> has 8 or so modules of about breadbox size
> .....confusing it is to thunk:
> because he would like to see it become something he knows it should
> become but the 100% straight up - show us your code approach at this
> point does not make sense for ANYBODY
> ........confusing it is because some "trivial" things like saving
> "files" are complex and thunk would need help to turn the EXPERT
> SESSION into a web app that it needs to be (and he has done already
> using Wee for domain#2)
> ..........confusing it is because people he knows to be at least 10X
> smarter than old thunk have not figured out what this is, which
> indicates that it isn't done, which further confuses things.
> enough confusion shared?
> how about this. after 15 years of not contacting anybody in his
> field of Statistical Control work he contacted Mitutoyo yesterday.
> True story. The useless dumb ineffective politico he was about to
> fire is in charge of their IT (aurora) and does't care to hear about
> anything new.
> true story, i swear an oath on it

From: Ryan Davis on

On Apr 8, 2010, at 05:55 , Aldric Giacomoni wrote:

> Okay. Now we're getting somewhere. THUNK, A HINT FOR YOU: please listen
> to the people who answer your questions. Do not get caught up in your
> topic. Several people have, many times, asked you to alter your messages
> so they were more readable and you seemingly ignored that. We all know
> the excitation of working on a project which is dear to us.
> Here, check this out:
> It will in fact explain the whole issue very well, so I will not expand
> upon it further.

It would to you or me... not thunk. The horse is still dead. Stop.


Please stop responding to thunk, he is crazy. If you stop talking to him, he will go away.

Even if he isn't crazy, he's incredibly off-topic and ruining our beloved signal-to-noise ratio. Either he needs to be on-topic, or we need to shun him.

Again, this man is insane, so please, please, please refrain from replying to his posts, or in threads he starts.

Don't believe me? LOOK! He's been arrested on the internet!

If you would, please join us is fighting this problem. Copy this mail into your email signatures and use it either on-list or in a private reply to others to help stem the tide.

Thank You

From: Ryan Davis on

On Apr 8, 2010, at 06:27 , Andrea Dallera wrote:

> Dude. Enough.
> You're breaking everyone's balls. Please stop this.
> (blacklisted)

Agreed. So stop responding.

From: Ryan Davis on

On Apr 8, 2010, at 06:27 , Andrea Dallera wrote:

> Dude. Enough.
> You're breaking everyone's balls. Please stop this.
> (blacklisted)

oops. forgot my signature... need to be consistent!

Please stop responding to thunk, he is crazy. If you stop talking to him, he will go away.

Even if he isn't crazy, he's incredibly off-topic and ruining our beloved signal-to-noise ratio. Either he needs to be on-topic, or we need to shun him.

Again, this man is insane, so please, please, please refrain from replying to his posts, or in threads he starts.

If you would, please join us is fighting this problem. Copy this mail into your email signatures and use it either on-list or in a private reply to others to help stem the tide.

Thank You

From: thunk on

There as been no link to anywhere in last postings. Nothing to sell.
No book. No Speech. Nothing is for sale so this is confusing to

The software is 100% pure dynamic Ruby. It has been the project of
passion, but the total focus of a 3 year project. The author of this
package was involved some of the best minds of the software industry
from 1974 or so 1995.
His software was sold around the world, blablabla

Mr R. Davis has all this, as references and such were sent.

He prefers rather to present an event that was strange. It involved
being on an Island without a hotel or motel, snow shows, snow storms
and people like Mr Davis would seem to be.

One favorite example of Not Listening to Experts: The year was 1976,
the machine was a HeathKit H8. The EXPERTS were programmers at
Milwaukee Banks. The Experts considered the specs of the machine and
TOLD the author, no hesitation, into the eyes... that the machine
"could be useful for anything".

Two months later the author was producing Quality Audit Reports for
the MetaMold division of Dayton Malleable. The author was their
quality control manager.

The technique being used is not that easy to understand but nothing is
that difficult either. No magic. But not trivial. In a sweet spot
somewhere in between. The technique makes no sense at all to do the
basic things that I have it doing. And that is confusing but true.

What is much more interesting is that only two things much happen for
the system to evolve:

1. Small program units are added to the system

2. HelperClasses must be maintained and added to.

The small programming units could be distributed.

The small programming units can be "generated" by a web-app by way of
something the author calls an "Expert Session".

That's it but, that is not it also because many things could be done,
and an exciting future awaits. And if that future is named something
else, it will not be for lack of my trying to communicate about it.

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