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From: Manuel Rodriguez on 3 Jan 2010 04:17 My aim is to build a troll distribution. The Linux From Scratch way seems the best tool. My first problem was to create a new partition on my harddrive. Thanks to ubuntu I have masterd it. Together with gparted I have now 5 different partitions: ext3 = 2 GB FAT16 = 50 MB minix = 20 MB ext3 = 200 MB FAT16 = 100 MB Then I was interupted by an idea: Linux is the wrong operating system, I wanna build my own OS, and all that. So I decided to take a look at But the tutorial for a really small OS is based on "how to build a ramdisk". This ramdisk ideology is wellknown as initrd from the linux- community. It is the easiest way to manage your kernel. I mean that: /dev/... /proc/... /usr/share /media ... is only a ramdisk in your memory. Now i try to understand what mkinitrd really does. Until then I eat the neighbour-child. |