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From: Ohmster on 3 Jan 2010 20:05 I was trying to update firefox and ran into some fc6 rpms installed on my fc9 platform so I could not update firefox. As it turns out, firefox itself was an fc6 rpm! So this time I updated the fc6 file that was causing the problem, as well as the yelp fc6 file that was stopping me from doing that, in est, this is what I did: sudo yum update gnome-doc-utils yelp firefox Now this actually worked with what appeard to be some minor errors at the end, like this: /bin/sh: error while loading shared libraries: cannot open shared object file: No such file or directory error: %postun(nspr-4.6.7-0.6.1.fc6.i386) scriptlet failed, exit status 127 error: %preun(yelp-2.16.0-13.fc6.i386) scriptlet failed, exit status 127 This did not seem too bad but now I have no Xwindows at all! Now when I try startx, I get this error and no more windows: /bin/sh: error while loading shared libraries: cannot open shared object file: No such file or directory Oh Christ, what did I do and more important, how can I get my Xwindows back with beryl and all that cool stuff, all gone! Please help. -- ~Ohmster | ohmster59 /a/t/ gmail dot com Put "messageforohmster" in message body (That is Message Body, not Subject!) to pass my spam filter. |