From: Max Wachtel on 1 May 2010 15:58 Saw this in 24hr- submitted for your reading pleasure. "The new Trolling Point System for Trolls has been approved by the Central Troll Committee for Troll Standards and Procedures. The new TROLL POINT SYSTEM (TPS) will take effect on October 1, 1999. 10 points Killfile: Being Killfiled is the highest honor and the most points a Troll can achieve. It represents complete victory and indicates that the Troll has performed on a MASTER TROLL level. 9 points Complaint to Trolls ISP: While not as good as being killfiled, a complaint to a Trolls ISP indicates that once again the TROLL has struck hard and deep. 8 points Death Threat: Another indication of a Master Troll at Work. The death threat is firm proof that the Troll has cut to the bone and left his victim (the fish) floundering and gasping for air. 7 points Personal Verbal Attack: A personal verbal attack on a Troll in response to a trolling post indicates that the Troll has riled and disturbed the fish in question. 6 points Plea to Ignore Troll: A Plea from a Forum Group member to other group regulars to ignore the Troll in question is a sure sign that the Troll is doing his/her sport with proficiency. 5 points Killfile response: When a poster who has claimed to have KILLFILED a particular Troll, then responds to another Post by the Troll in question, rates a solid 5 points for the Trolls ability to snag a hypocritical fish. 4 points Logical response: A person who responds to a Troll trying to use logic and reason to rebut a Troll is worth 4 points for such stupidity as to think a Troll cares about what they have to say. 3 points 10+ individual responses: When a post by a Troll gets at least 10 responses from 10 different individuals. 2 points Positive response: If a Troll gets a positive response such as ROFLOL: LOL: Great Post, etc. 1 point Any type of response at all." -- This post was created using Opera(a)USB: Virus Removal Instructions Max's Favorite Freeware
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