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MI-FI a great idea Well, i was just finishing an eighteen month contract with Three for �7.50 a month, with 3gb of download allowance, using a usb zte mf622 dongle. Problem was, dongle was incompatible with snow leopard, so was kind of limiting. I liked the idea of having mobile internet access but not to happy with the crappy u... 17 Feb 2010 14:31 mini FAQ (weekly posting) This is a weekly short posting giving brief details of where to find more information about the subject of mobile telecommunications in the UK. There is also a companion group called uk.telecom for discussion of non-mobile topics. Before you post, please consider which group to use and then po... 17 Feb 2010 02:18
No Longer Fresh One of my family has a payg mobile with FRESH, I think a Crapfone Warehouse brand using T Mobile network. At least the phone was unbranded and enjoys original Samsung firmware, a real plus. Anyway, got a text today saying Fresh will cease on 19 March, offering a �5 credit with another provider - Talksomething... 8 Mar 2010 09:42
Portaing a number I was wondering if this is possible. I've had the same phone number for a hwile and want to keep it. Basically I want to port from virgin mobile on pay as you go to a t mobile contract is this possible ? The chap in store seemed unsure and unable to advise any further... ... 17 Feb 2010 00:34
Porting from TMobile PAYG to TMobile contract Zaz wrote: How can I go about signing up if I'm already on TM PAYG? Should I port my number to another network so it can be ported back? Precisely that. ... 15 Feb 2010 10:57
Bluetooth headset - does pairing wipe out previous pairs For the older BT headsets (Jabra BT150, or Nokia HS 36W) .. when you pair with a phone, do any previous pairings get revoked ? So it's not possible to have a HS paired to (say) a phone and laptop in different locations ? ... 15 Feb 2010 15:30
3 Data Allowance Warnings Helpfully, 3 now send you this message: From 3: You have 20% of your monthly internet data allowance left. You'll be sent another message if you reach your limit before your next allowance starts ... 15 Feb 2010 04:21
Mobile Phone Charger making Dear Sir I Have M-tech Teacher .................. I know better about of Mobile Charger. but i want more trick & tips related of mobile charger, solar charger, DC charger and motorolla V3 double trasister charger help me for this i am thanking to you. Lalit kishor ... 13 Feb 2010 10:25 |