From: Adam Michalik on
Anti Vigilante <antivigilante(a)> writes:

> You know the irony of it all is that the fear of parens is caused by
> countless times leaving out a ;, a ,, or a }. (intended (on (pun
> punctuation). There is no syntax other than differentiation of symbols
> and association of symbols into operations.
> The debate over infix versus prefix has some limited substance. On the
> one hand all languages use prefix: function(arg, arg). The trouble is
> the Yoda principle:
> Sometimes infix feels like Yoda: Have you ever seen this, "filename open
> 'rw'" or "file transfer local from storage remote to storage"?
> If it were a network diagram it would almost make sense except local and
> storage and remote and storage belong together.
> Other times prefix feels like Yoda: (with (cut ((the lieutenant) (his
> (lieutenant chicken)) (and ((a knife) fork)))
> Funny way to say, "The lieutenant cut his chicken with a knife and
> fork."
> Infix makes the object do the action (instead of you or the computer)
> while prefix forces you to find the beginning of the sentence buried
> somewhere in the middle.
> It's a wash. They both fail. I would say though that prefix usually gets
> unscrambled as you stop looking at words as being important and allow
> them to just be simple details. The clarity that emerges from crossing
> that threshold is beyond the limits of stop and go driving offered by
> infix.
> Granted, if we had one list per line and two newlines signified end of
> list, the parens could go away as well.
> I tried to replace parens with a _#SPACE, #SPACE_ based read macro but I
> couldn't figure out how to write the thing.
> Read macros are the machine language of lisp. (Eval is closer to
> assembly). You can't test the macro half way through. You have to do
> things in blocks of two: Take care of opening and closing or you will
> have to start over from scratch.

When I was learning read macros and parsing, I've written a macro which

foo(bar, baz).bax(xyzzy)


(bax (foo bar baz) xyzzy)

When I showed it to a person who was unfamilar with Lisp, he said:

"Oh, I did not know that Lisp is object oriented!"

This's something Java taught the programming community - OOP is a dot
after an expression.

Adam Michalik
vel Dodek Dodecki
From: Aatu Koskensilta on
Anti Vigilante <antivigilante(a)> writes:

> The debate over infix versus prefix has some limited substance. On the
> one hand all languages use prefix: function(arg, arg).

Yes, general function application is almost always written in prefix,
but e.g. Agda allows mixfix syntax for user-defined functions, so that
we can write, say,

if_then_else_ : {A : Set} -> Bool -> A -> A -> A
if true then x else y = x
if false then x else y = y

Aatu Koskensilta (aatu.koskensilta(a)

"Wovon mann nicht sprechen kann, dar�ber muss man schweigen"
- Ludwig Wittgenstein, Tractatus Logico-Philosophicus
From: vippstar on
On Oct 20, 7:37 pm, Adam Michalik <dode...(a)> wrote:
> This's something Java taught the programming community - OOP is a dot
> after an expression.

If it weren't for Java, everyone would know programming.
From: Robert Uhl on
vippstar <vippstar(a)> writes:
> If it weren't for Java, everyone would know programming.

If it weren't for Java, programs would be written.

Robert A. Uhl
Modern art is what happens when painters stop looking at girls and
persuade themselves that they have a better idea. --John Ciardi
From: Kaz Kylheku on
On 2009-10-20, Adam Michalik <dodecki(a)> wrote:
> This's something Java taught the programming community - OOP is a dot
> after an expression.

No; it's what Simula 67 taught the programming community. But not directly;
it was the ghost of Simula 67, channeled by Stroustrup in the form of C++:

[ Wikipedia Simula Example ]

Class Glyph;
Virtual: Procedure print Is Procedure print;;

Glyph Class Char (c);
Character c;
Procedure print;

Glyph Class Line (elements);
Ref (Glyph) Array elements;
Procedure print;
Integer i;
For i:= 1 Step 1 Until UpperBound (elements, 1) Do
elements (i).print;

Ref (Glyph) rg;
Ref (Glyph) Array rgs (1 : 4);

! Main program;
rgs (1):- New Char ('A');
rgs (2):- New Char ('b');
rgs (3):- New Char ('b');
rgs (4):- New Char ('a');
rg:- New Line (rgs);

Look, construction with new, virtual functions, obj.member_function syntax.

Now Java was introduced as a dumbed down C++ for those who can't handle the
read thing.