From: Transfer Principle on
On Jun 15, 11:25 pm, Brian Chandler <imaginator...(a)>
> In a truly extraordinary moment, Transfer Principle wrote:
> > On Jun 15, 9:18 pm, Brian Chandler <imaginator...(a)>
> > wrote:
> <snip bit about Conway's ONAG>
> > So yes, sqrt(omega) is a surreal. But the big difference
> > between surreals and TO's numbers is that the latter is
> > supposed to be a sort of set _size_ (Bigulosity). It
> > makes no sense to state that the set of perfect squares
> > has the surreal sqrt(omega) as its set size.
> Have you gone barking mad? Don't you remember the Agreement? You
> *cannot* say "makes no sense". You *must* say "... mumble mumble,
> working in a different theory".

Yes, I admit that Chandler has caught me red-handed.

And so since I made an error regarding the "Agreement,"
I must admit and correct my error. It is possible that
indeed Chandler is working in a different theory --
one in which surreals can be applied to set sizes.

And so let us attempt to do exactly that. So far, we
already have the following set sizes (since we really
are discussing surreals here, we can use Conway's
name for the unit infinity "omega," rather than
Chandler's name "tav").

So far we have:

{1,2,3,4,5,6,7,8,9,...} has set size omega.
{2,3,4,5,6,7,8,9,10,...} has set size omega-1.
{2,4,6,8,10,12,14,16,18,...} has set size omega/2.
{1,4,9,16,25,36,49,64,81,...} has set size sqrt(omega).

But what about {2,4,8,16,32,64,...}? I don't recall
Conway saying anything about lg(omega) (or any other
base of log).

If lg(omega) is in No, then when exactly is the
_birthday_ of lg(omega)? One might try the surreal:

{1,2,3,4,5,... | ...,cbrt(omega),sqrt(omega),omega}

But I think that this is the omega-th root of omega,
not the logarithm of omega.

Another question is, if we're allowing surreals, then
what is the set size of a set whose elements are
themselves surreals, such as:


Indeed, I'm not sure how TO would assign a Bigulosity
to a set whose elements are themselves Bigulosities.

One might note that using standard ZFC definitions of
cardinality (and ordinality), the set of ordinals less
than a given ordinal is order-isomorphic (under e) to
the ordinal itself. So one might say that:

{1,2,3,4,5,...,omega-2,omega-1,omega} has size omega.

But even if we were to restrict the elements to the
sur-integers (the analogs of the integers in No),
this object is too large to be a set. There is no set
large enough to contain all the surreals (or even the
sur-integers). So this won't work.

Until Chandler and TO state otherwise, we are only
assigning surreals to subsets of standard N+.

Beginning with omega, we can find subsets of N+ whose
set size is a sur-integer, as follows:

Birthday omega:
{1,2,3,4,5,6,7,8,9,...} has set size omega.

Birthday omega+1:
{2,3,4,5,6,7,8,9,10,...} has set size omega-1

Birthday omega+2
{3,4,5,6,7,8,9,10,11,...} has set size omega-2

Birthday omega+3
{4,5,6,7,8,9,10,11,12,...} has set size omega-3

Birthday omega+4
{5,6,7,8,9,10,11,12,13,...} has set size omega-4

Birthday omega+omega
{2,4,6,8,10,12,14,16,18,...} has set size omega/2

Birthday omega+omega+1
{4,6,8,10,12,14,16,18,20,...} has set size omega/2-1
{1,2,4,6,8,10,12,14,16,...} has set size omega/2+1

Birthday omega+omega+2
{6,8,10,12,14,16,18,20,22,...} has set size omega/2-2
{1,2,3,4,6,8,10,12,14,...} has set size omega/2+2

Birthday omega*3
{4,8,12,16,20,24,28,32,36,...} has set size omega/4
{2,3,4,6,7,8,10,11,12,...} has set size 3*omega/4

Birthday omega*omega
{1,4,9,16,25,36,49,64,81,...} has set size sqrt(omega)

At this point, we are trying to solve the problem of
given a sur-integer at most omega (and with sufficiently
early birthday), finding a canonical subset of N+ whose
set size is that sur-integer. Since the surreals are
defined by Conway in terms of left and right sets, what
we are really saying is if we know the canonical left
and right sets of a surreal, and sets whose set size is
each surreal in the left and right sets, can we find a
set whose set size is the given surreal? Let's see:

{2,3,4,5,...} has size omega-1 = [1,2,3,... | omega}
{3,4,5,6,...} has size omega-2 = {1,2,3,... | omega-1}
{4,5,6,7,...} has size omega-3 = {1,2,3,... | omega-2}
{5,6,7,8,...} has size omega-4 = {1,2,3,... | omega-3}

So, if we have a lone surreal on the right, we remove
the smallest element of the subset of N+.

Since we have:

{2,4,6,8,...} has size omega/2
= {1,2,3,... |,omega-1,omega}
{4,8,12,16,...} has size omega/4
= {1,2,3,... |,omega/2-1,omega/2}

having infinitely many surreals on the right means that
we alternate elements of the subset of N+.

Since we have:
{1,2,4,6,8,...} has size omega/2+1 = {omega/2 | omega}
{1,2,3,4,6,8,...} has size omega/2+2 = {omega/2+1 | omega}
{2,3,4,6,7,8,10,...} has size 3*omega/4
= {omega/2,omega/2+1,omega/2+2,... | omega}

having a lone surreal on the left means adding back a
missing element of the subset of N+, and infinitely many
suureals on the left means adding back alternating
elements of the subset of N+.

But then we have:

{1,4,9,16,...} has size sqrt(omega)
= {1,2,3,... |,omega/4,omega/2,omega}

and now it's not obvious how the set {1,4,9,16,25,36,...} is
even related to the surreals omega/2, omega/4, omega/8, and
so on, since the canonical sets for these surreals don't
even contain numbers like 1, 9, 25, and so on.

Until this question is answered, we can't even begin to
find a surreal for {2,4,8,16,32,64,...}.

Still, I must apologize to Chandler for dismissing his
idea, and investigate his idea a little further.
From: Transfer Principle on
On Jun 16, 8:08 am, "Jesse F. Hughes" <je...(a)> wrote:
> Tony Orlow <t...(a)> writes:
> > Actually, I meant a general formulaic relation, not necessarily
> > algebraic, but with an inverse function that can be determined through
> > algebra, not necessarily restricted to polynomials, but also including
> > exponents and logs, etc.
> That's not very explicit.

How about this:

An algebraic function is a real-valued function which is the
composition of finitely many real-valued polynomial, radical,
rational, exponential, and logarithmic functions, and whose
inverse (or at least the real-valued branches thereof) is
also the composition of finitely many polynomial, radical,
rational, exponential, and logarithmic functions.

The definition is similar to that of "elementary function,"
except that we want to exclude the trigonometric and
inverse trigonometric functions. (Notice that I wrote
_real-valued_, so there's no reason to mention that a
trigonometic function is actually a complex-valued
exponential function.) After all, TO writes nothing about
cos(tav) or cos(zillion).

We also wish to exclude elementary functions whose inverses
aren't elementary, such as f(x) = xe^x, whose inverse is
the Lambert-W function. After all, TO writes nothing about
LambertW(tav) or LambertW(zillion).
From: Ross A. Finlayson on
On Jun 15, 4:44 pm, Tony Orlow <t...(a)> wrote:
> On Jun 15, 5:40 pm, Transfer Principle <lwal...(a)> wrote:
> > On Jun 14, 8:43 pm, David R Tribble <da...(a)> wrote:
> > > Jesse F. Hughes wrote:
> > > > It seems to me that he's stated his assumption, but he doesn't get quite
> > > > how much it assumes.
> > > >   Given any real valued functions f and g, if lim (f - g) > 0, then f(x)
> > > >   > g(x) where x is any infinite number.
> > > > As a consequence of this, I guess, it follows that f and g are defined
> > > > on infinite numbers, though we don't know anything about their values
> > > > aside from the fact that f(x) > g(x).
> > > It's obvious that Tony can't and won't answer any of these
> > > questions, and no one here (except Walker) really sees him
> > > as capable of going any further in any meaningful sense.
> > > So except for deriving some entertainment value and learning
> > > a few new things, I don't see the point in indulging him any more.
> > > Teaching pigs to sing, and all that.
> > I've stood back and watch this thread grow, allowing TO to
> > discuss his ideas in more detail before posting again. I
> > can't respond to every post to which I want to respond, but
> > let me start here since my name is mentioned here.
> I was wondering where you were. ;)
> > As expected, I don't believe that working with theories
> > other than ZFC or set sizes other than standard cardinality
> > is analogous to "teaching pigs to sing." I definitely
> > prefer to believe that there is a theory in which infinite
> > sets work differently from how they work under ZFC, and
> > perhaps working as TO or another poster would like them to.
> > According to Tribble, there are many questions which TO
> > can't and won't answer about his theory. One of these
> > questions (asked IIRC by MoeBlee) is to which of the axioms
> > of ZFC does TO object? But to me, the answer to this
> > question is obvious. If a poster disagrees with how the
> > infinite sets work under ZFC, then they reject the axiom
> > which guarantees their existence -- and that axiom is, of
> > course, the Axiom of Infinity.
> I rather think not. The Axiom of Infinity declares something like N a
> set, when it's really a sequence, but asserting the existence of this
> object doesn't lead to all the confusion. The Axiom of Choice, on the
> face of it, doesn't seem exactly wrong, but it seems to, perhaps in
> combination with assumptions of truth about the ordinals, lead to
> bizarre conclusions, being interpreted strangely. That there exist
> countably infinite sets seems obvious to me.
> > I believe that among the sci.math posters who argue against
> > ZFC, the most common axioms to reject are Infinity and
> > Choice, followed by Powerset (if they accept infinite but
> > not uncountable sets).
> That's generally the Anti-Cantorians, as opposed to us here Post-
> Cantorians. See?
> > And thus, a good starting point is to start with ZF and
> > replace Infinity with a new axiom. This new axiom won't
> > merely be ~Infinity, since we aren't just trying to get rid
> > of infinite sets but replace them with new objects that
> > work differently from the infinite sets under ZF.
> My problem's with von Neumann. He's gonna pay, I tell ya...
> > In another thread, I mentioned how Infinity is used to
> > prove that every set has a transitive closure. Therefore,
> > we can take ZF, drop Infinity, and add a new axiom:
> > There exists a set with no transitive closure.
> > We notice that in this theory, ~Infinity would be a theorem
> > (proved via Deduction Theorem/contrapositives).
> Okay. Do you agree wth that axiom, or are you just trying it on for
> Halloween? ;)
> > But the problem here is that it isn't obvious how this
> > theory matches the intuition of any sci.math poster. Also,
> > it's not evident how this theory is related to math for the
> > sciences, either. Until those objections are addressed, no
> > one is going to accept this theory.
> Nah, it's less the axioms than the models, I believe.
> > It's doubtful that any textbook discusses sets that have no
> > transitive closure, since most textbooks are grounded in ZF,
> > which proves that every set does have one. A good starting
> > point might be old zuhair threads, since zuhair mentioned
> > transitive closures in his theories all the time.
> The H-riffics have transitive closure, after some uncountable number
> of iterations. Does that count?
> :) TOny

Well yeah post-Cantorianism started with Zermelo and Fraenkel and well
basically post-Cantorianism as it was referred to in the literature is
that of the development of set theory after the publication of
Cantor's results around 1900. Then, this modern post-Cantorianism,
where post-Cantorianism is modern mathematics, to which Tony refers,
this modern post-Cantorianism is a reaction to that all the asymptotic
methods of numbers still work with the uncountable irrelevant to
spatial density in the finite, for each finite, in the fixed, complete
in the countable. That's more about the direction where, surely, all
the commonly held notions about the simple case asymptotics hold true,
to really care about the uncountable just requires honoring the space,
it's a way to require that. (Completeness theorems.)

Tony are your H-riffics the same as the H numbers? If you use the H
numbers to derive that fact or Tribble's Eta for example, that has to
go in the definition. Here by H numbers I mean the constructive
hyperreals (constructable). You indicate that as sets the elements
have a particular construct that is the same for all consequences in
all models, that the numbers have set-theoretic structure, to use them
as sets.

Then, in terms of using one of these numbers in an algorithm, what's
the most convenient way to write it? Here that would indicate a
reasonable guess at what any reasonably structured value could
efficiently use as its form.

In set theory, everything's a set.

Tony, just add all the rules that build up on the von Neumann ordinals
into new ordinals, they're still the same ordinals with the rules
attached, in the resulting system that knows what they are as
ordinals, which are very useful in many cases as numbers. (Von
Neumann ordinals are small sets, with basically two elements one
containing the previous ordinal the other empty, there are various
representations of the von Neumann ordinals.) As you can see, for the
convenience of maintaining the rules of all the completions of the
ordinals in various systems, that is or can be simply accorded with
information theoretic terms in space (mathematical space).

Have a good one, warm regards,

Ross Finlayson
From: Jesse F. Hughes on
Transfer Principle <lwalke3(a)> writes:

> On Jun 16, 8:08 am, "Jesse F. Hughes" <je...(a)> wrote:
>> Tony Orlow <t...(a)> writes:
>> > Actually, I meant a general formulaic relation, not necessarily
>> > algebraic, but with an inverse function that can be determined through
>> > algebra, not necessarily restricted to polynomials, but also including
>> > exponents and logs, etc.
>> That's not very explicit.
> How about this:
> An algebraic function is a real-valued function which is the
> composition of finitely many real-valued polynomial, radical,
> rational, exponential, and logarithmic functions, and whose
> inverse (or at least the real-valued branches thereof) is
> also the composition of finitely many polynomial, radical,
> rational, exponential, and logarithmic functions.

Yes, that's explicit.

And, who knows, it might be what Tony meant. Perhaps he'll say so.

"Am I am [sic] misanthrope? I would say no, for honestly I never heard
of this word until about 1994 or thereabouts on the Internet reading a
post from someone who called someone a misanthrope."
-- Archimedes Plutonium
From: Transfer Principle on
On Jun 14, 10:50 pm, Brian Chandler <imaginator...(a)>
> > Don't you make any connection between a set of pairs and, say, spatial
> > coordinates? When you talk about points in n dimensional space, do you
> > not define them as unique n-tuples in the spatial set of points?
> Look, let's not use "omega" to refer to any of your stuff. It's an
> abuse of respected terminology. As I understand it, there's a stage in
> which we "declare a unit infinity", so I declare mine to be Tav. OK?

If we are specifically trying to make TO's theory more
rigorous, than I agree with Chandler, to some extent.

So let's start with ZF and add a new primitive symbol
to denote this "unit infinity." We could call it "tav"
as per Chandler.

So we drop the Axiom of Infinity from ZF. Why? It's
because TO wants all infinite sets in his theory to
adhere to his rules, yet Infinity proves the existence
of a set, namely standard omega, that doesn't adhere
to TO's rules. So we must drop Infinity.

It is often pointed out in this type of thread that
Infinity proves the existence of a (nonempty) successor
inductive set, which is strictly stronger than mere
existence of an infinite set. It might be possible to
take advantage of this fact, and see whether it's
possible for tav to be an infinite set whose existence
does _not_ imply (in ZF-Infinity) the existence of a
successor inductive set.

TO points out that the cornerstone to his theory is
something called ICI, Infinite Case Induction. Since
"induction" sounds like a schema, we can add to our
theory a schema for ICI.

But how can we state the ICI Schema in a manner that's
rigorous enough for Chandler and others? We notice
that the schemata labeled TA1 and TA2 are stated in
terms of real numbers, leading posters like MoeBlee
to ask for the definition of "<" and other symbols. For
after all, in standard theory, we start with omega and
define (rational numbers, then) real numbers, but here
there is no omega, so there aren't any reals yet.

Since our language contains the primitives "e" and "tav"
it would be preferable to state ICI in terms of these
primitives, not reals or the "<" relation. In another
thread, I once posted the following schema, which is a
rewriting of TA2 using these primitives:

If phi doesn't contain "tav" then all closures of:

(phi(0) & Ax (phi(x) -> phi(xu{x})) -> phi(tav)

are axioms.

But then Hughes let phi be the statement "x is finite"
(using a standard definition of finite) to prove that tav is
finite, yet TO wants tav to be infinite. Furthermore, if
we let phi be the statement "0ex or 0=x," we can prove
that either 0etav or 0=tav. At this point, I suspect that
tav is actually the empty set -- which is definitely not
what TO intends tav to be.

So let's change the schema to the following: If phi doesn't
contain "tav" then all closures of:

(En (n fin. nat. & phi(n)) & Ax (phi(x) -> phi(xu{x})) -> phi(tav)

are axioms. Here "fin. nat." refers to the (standard) definition
of finite natural.

This new schema reflects TO's comments about how he
can prove 2^tav > tav^2. We can let phi be the statement
"2^x > x^2" and n be 5.

But we still have problems. Notice that by letting phi be
the statement "x is finite," we still have tav finite -- yet
by letting phi be the statement "mex" for each natural
number m in turn (and letting n = m+1, of course), we
can prove "me(tav)" for _every_ natural number m.

So somehow tav is finite, yet for every natural number m
we can prove that tav has m as an element? At first this
sounds like a contradiction, but it was mentioned in earlier
threads that:

For every natural number n, it is provable that tav contains n.


It is provable that for every natural number n, tav contains n.

are distinct (in first-order logic at least -- I'm not sure about
second-order logic). But even so, this would make tav a
really strange set to contain every natural number as an
element, yet still somehow be "finite" -- and it certainly
doesn't describe tav as intended by TO.

Furthermore, since we have all the other axioms of ZF
besides Infinity, we do have the Separation Schema, and by
this schema, the set:

w = {me(tav)} | m (standard) finite natural}

must exist. But what set is w? It would appear to equal
omega, yet is still a "finite" set?

What we really need to avoid this contradiction/paradox is to
allow some instances of the ICI schema and not others, but
MoeBlee uses the word "oracle" to describe this. Indeed, back
when TO was describing ICI, I even _warned_ him that his
schema might be described as "oracular," since "oracle" is a
buzzword commonly used by MoeBlee to object to theories
(just as Hughes uses the phrase "ad hoc"). So in order to
find a schema acceptable to MoeBlee, we must avoid these
"oracles" at all costs.

Note that, since we are trying to avoid the existence of omega,
we can't allow for a set to which the Separation Schema can
be applied to it to recover omega. This is why, in a post that I
wrote yesterday, I wish to consider sets without a transitive
closure, since one _can't_ apply Separation to such a set to
recover omega. But then again, it's not obvious how such sets
can describe anything that TO, or any other poster (save
perhaps zuhair), is writing.