From: Arvind Prasad on
Thanks for the reply. Listen, at our college, we've only been taught few of the basics of Matlab, and nothing about image processing using Matlab.
Ok, forget hints. It would be really helpful if you could post the whole program. Since you claim its not complicated or long, I don't think it'll be much of a problem.
From: ImageAnalyst on
On May 8, 10:12 am, "Arvind Prasad" <ssr_r...(a)> wrote:
> @ImageAnalyst
> Thanks for the reply. Listen, at our college, we've only been taught few of the basics of Matlab, and nothing about image processing using Matlab.
> Ok, forget hints. It would be really helpful if you could post the whole program. Since you claim its not complicated or long, I don't think it'll be much of a problem.
> Cheers.

Thanks for the cheers. I did smile at your responses. Obviously you
don't know whom you replied to (see,
so here's my next hint:

And good luck with your homework.
From: Arvind Prasad on
Oh, so you guys are top posters. That's good. But the "rune" guy isn't. He pissed me off. Hence the language.
What's with the "GoEnglish" link? Couldn't find anything related to matlab in there.
From: TideMan on
On May 9, 3:57 pm, "Arvind Prasad" <ssr_r...(a)> wrote:
> Oh, so you guys are top posters. That's good. But the "rune" guy isn't. He pissed me off. Hence the language.
> What's with the "GoEnglish" link? Couldn't find anything related to matlab in there.

Well, I guess an idiot needs to have stuff explained in simple
In the army, if you are retreating, you might be tempted to burn the
bridges behind you so that the enemy cannot follow you. But what if
things change and you want to advance again? You won't be able to
because the bridges are burnt.
And so it is when you use abusive language when you're asking help.

You say it's urgent.
I say lack of planning on your part does not constitute an crisis on
Stew in your own juice, you little twerp.
From: Rune Allnor on
On 9 Mai, 05:57, "Arvind Prasad" <ssr_r...(a)> wrote:
> Oh, so you guys are top posters. That's good. But the "rune" guy isn't. He pissed me off.

Pointing out to students that they actually have to *work* to
earn their grades depressingly often has that effect.

> Hence the language.

Continue that way. You will get exactly the feedback and help
(not to mention jobs) you deserve.
