From: Mark Shore on
It's generally advisable to use an alias (e.g., WonderStudent, SuperBoy, etc.) if you plan on publicly demonstrating your own lack of knowledge *and* insulting more experienced contributors and your own academic institution.

That way, if and when you mature, you're not stuck in the awkward situation of needing to use a pseudonym in future...
From: John D'Errico on
"Arvind Prasad" <ssr_rulz(a)> wrote in message <hs3rfl$s4t$1(a)>...
> @ImageAnalyst
> Thanks for the reply. Listen, at our college, we've only been taught few of the basics of Matlab, and nothing about image processing using Matlab.
> Ok, forget hints. It would be really helpful if you could post the whole program. Since you claim its not complicated or long, I don't think it'll be much of a problem.
> Cheers.

Wow. Why not just skip this crappy college stuff, and go
directly to Burger King where you will end up? Learn the
phrases "Do ya want fries with that?" and "Supersize it?"

Why not try to do your own homework, rather than
flame those who might offer help once you do show
you have tried something?
From: Anyone on
On 05/07/2010 11:58 PM, Arvind Prasad wrote:
> Okay, this is a little complicated. Please read the following statement
> carefully n try to understand.. Here goes
> Please give ideas on how to go about the programming part.
> Thanks in advance.

i am only too happy to oblige. simply post your account number here:


I accept Visa, Mastercard, American Excuse...

From: Steven Lord on

"Arvind Prasad" <ssr_rulz(a)> wrote in message
> Okay, this is a little complicated. Please read the following statement
> carefully n try to understand.. Here goes
> We have an image. Say, 1500x1200 pixels.
> Firstly, we need to read the image and obtain the pixel values of each and
> every pixel.
> Mainly, this program should check whether there is uniformity in the
> image. That is, there shouldn't be an abrupt change in pixel value at any
> region of the image.
> So, we need the program to select one pixel, and compare its value with
> few neighboring pixels, say, around 10-15 pixels. We should check that the
> difference in pixel value should be less than 30% of the maximum pixel
> intensity in the whole image.
> Repeat the same procedure selecting successive pixels, one at a time.
> Please give ideas on how to go about the programming part.

Since this seems like a homework problem, you should realize that that's not
how things work in this newsgroup (or indeed most newsgroups.)

When asking for help on a homework problem, you should show what you've
tried and ask a SPECIFIC question about where you're stuck. If you do so, I
think you'll find people willing to _help_ you by answering your question.
You'll find many more people willing to do that than you'll find willing to
give you a complete solution. After all, I seem to remember an old proverb
about teaching a man how to fish versus giving him a fish.

Looking at other posts you've made in this thread, I think you need to
understand something. EVERYONE who posts here (indeed, everyone who has
EVER posted here, with one exception) started out knowing NOTHING about
MATLAB. Rune, us, ImageAnalyst, TideMan, Mark, John, me, EVERYONE. We all
spent our time learning enough MATLAB to do what we needed for our projects,
and some of us continued to learn more.

Since you asked for "ideas on how to go about the programming part", I
will -- try searching the DOC for the phrases "read the image",
"difference", "maximum", etc. and use the commands that you find in those
searches to solve your problem. And again, if you get stuck while doing so,
follow the procedure I outlined above and I think you may find people
willing to help.

Steve Lord
comp.soft-sys.matlab (CSSM) FAQ:

From: Arvind Prasad on
"Steven Lord" <slord(a)> wrote in message <hs80hv$k8d$1(a)>...

> Since this seems like a homework problem, you should realize that that's not
> how things work in this newsgroup (or indeed most newsgroups.)
> When asking for help on a homework problem, you should show what you've
> tried and ask a SPECIFIC question about where you're stuck. If you do so, I
> think you'll find people willing to _help_ you by answering your question.
> You'll find many more people willing to do that than you'll find willing to
> give you a complete solution. After all, I seem to remember an old proverb
> about teaching a man how to fish versus giving him a fish.
> Looking at other posts you've made in this thread, I think you need to
> understand something. EVERYONE who posts here (indeed, everyone who has
> EVER posted here, with one exception) started out knowing NOTHING about
> MATLAB. Rune, us, ImageAnalyst, TideMan, Mark, John, me, EVERYONE. We all
> spent our time learning enough MATLAB to do what we needed for our projects,
> and some of us continued to learn more.
> Since you asked for "ideas on how to go about the programming part", I
> will -- try searching the DOC for the phrases "read the image",
> "difference", "maximum", etc. and use the commands that you find in those
> searches to solve your problem. And again, if you get stuck while doing so,
> follow the procedure I outlined above and I think you may find people
> willing to help.
> --
> Steve Lord
> slord(a)
> comp.soft-sys.matlab (CSSM) FAQ:

Thanks a lot for the advice. Will do that.