From: "FromTheRafters" erratic on
"Leythos" <spam999free(a)> wrote in message
> In article <hm49g5$g97$3(a)>, sfdavidkaye2
> says...
>> No, YOU don't understand that Usenet is American and does not allow
>> for
>> international coding.
> Usenet, since I've been on it since 84, use to be an American thing,
> but, thanks to improvements in telco systems around the world and the
> fact that Microsoft found out about the internet, it's become a
> anything
> goes type of place - and the MS groups are the worst.
> The problem is that there are zillions of NON-Usenet interfaces to
> Usenet, so many people don't have a clue that they are posting to
> Usenet.

....and so many people that don't have a clue are posting to usenet. :oD

From: Virus Guy on
MEB wrote:

> > Historically and technically the microsoft.public.* groups are
> > hosted on an NNTP server, the web interfaces are recent
> > developments.
> Ahh, I would beg to differ, but I've already done this
> discussion before WITH the historical documentation
> referenced...

You never reference anything properly MEB.

And you still don't understand how usenet functions, nor do you
understand the role that Microsoft's nntp servers play with regard to
these microsoft.* groups in terms of world-wide distribution and
From: Hot-text on
Not if you have foreign characters install!

"David Kaye" <sfdavidkaye2(a)> wrote in message
> Just a reminder that names, titles, and other material on Usenet is
> required
> to be 7-bit ASCII. This means no 8-bit foreign characters, etc. Many
> newsreaders display garbage when trying to render 8-bit characters.
> (8-bit is
> not ASCII by the way.)
> Here's the defining standard:
> "Full names may contain any printing ASCII characters from space through
> tilde, except that they may not contain "(" (left parenthesis), ")" (right
> parenthesis), "<" (left angle bracket), or ">" (right angle bracket).
> Additional restrictions may be placed on full names by the mail standard,
> in
> particular, the characters "," (comma), ":" (colon), "@" (at), "!" (bang),
> "/"
> (slash), "=" (equal), and ";" (semicolon) are inadvisable in full names.
> Read more: