From: Flasherly on
On Mar 26, 1:16 pm, Alan Plaid <nos...(a)> wrote:

Mine is sold without the tuner section for a monitor. 32" Olympia
I've had for ages running at 1360x768 60Hz, not long after big
flatpanels first became viable. Luckily my first model failed and was
replaced by the succeeding and stabler revision. Has time on it, 24/7
(w/ pwr-standby of course) that it does, as well a tuner,
although never used. Always wasn't this resolution, bearing in mind a
VGA connection to ATI Radeon AGP 96XX series, which eventually evolved
into 1360x768 OEM drivers provided by Omega. Same deal on a NEC 37"
across the room, built for mooies and a decent stereo, another AGP
Radeon and Intel Duron. Perfunctory XP install and hardly more, which
looks great for ready and steady, first-time-up. A commercial NEC
unit I lucked into, made for continuous 24-hour operation at airports
and such. Should theoretically last forever. $599US for the NEC two
years ago -- not sure what the politics behind that -- originally and
priced elsewhere $1200-1500 as it so happened.
From: "Trev" trev_uk on

"Peter Hill" <peter.usenet1(a)> wrote in message
> On 26 Mar 2010 17:16:39 GMT, Alan Plaid <nospam(a)> wrote:
>> want to use an LCD TV as a monitor - 32" is all I have room for. If
>>anyone hear has experience of doing this and knows a little about
>>resolutions etc I would like some advice.
>>I went to PCWorld and persuaded them to connect my Netbook (Advent 4211C
>>or MSI Wind) to a LG LH5000, and we seemed to get a good picture at it's
>>native resolution 1920 x 1080 although at one point the picture was
>>shunted lightly to the right. It took a lot of persuasion to get them to
>>try and they did not really know what they were doing.
> Thanks to the shop staff being idiots, back in '83 I got a �80 80
> column adaptor card for a 2nd mono screen with my Tatung Einstein from
> Dixons for FREE. I asked about the 80 column card (needed for CP/M
> they produced one from upstairs. The box had been opened so they must
> have tried it but they didn't know it was 1v p-p video and not TV RF
> so it didn't work. I used a B/W portable with the family video
> recorder as a video to rf converter.
>>I also tried an LG LH3000 in a Comet - although I got a picture, the res
>>looked all wrong. The difference between the 5000 and the 3000 models is
>>that the 3000 runs at 50Hz while the 5000 runs at 100Hz - Does one need
>>at least 100Hz to use one with a PC ?
> PC refresh is not same as TV. UK TV is 25 frames/sec interlaced, so it
> scans top to bottom twice per frame = 50Hz. 100Hz TV stores the frame
> and double scans. Double scan is completely idiotic for LCD, it's only
> really any use for line scanned CRT where there is a bright spot from
> newly scanned beam and image degrades bofore being refreshed. Even HD
> doesn't run at 100Hz frame rate.

Its because Lcd displays can have a smeared motion trail On fast moving
objects typically Sport. You can also get 200Hz and I think a 600 Hz But
thats not the problem.
> Old VGA runs at 60Hz non interlaced. Other common rates are 70Hz and
> 75Hz. Faster = smoother motion if the PC / graphics are up to it.
>>I noticed that even though the LH5000 produced a good looking picture, it
>>was being driven at 60Hz, any attempt to bump it up gave a no signal
> It may need to exit PC mode > TV mode and go back to TV to re-sync at
> new frame rate? Or there may be other setup options on TV like WXGA
> mode?
> Otherwise select "Hide modes that this monitor can not display". The
> graphics card gets info from VGA port on res and frequency of attached
> monitor and can pass that to the windows monitor setup panel so will
> exclude any that it can't display.
>>Anyway, any info or advice would be good.
>>I am not expecting a picture of the quality of a top notch Monitor, I am
>>actually just after achieving larger icons at a reasonable res. The
>>trouble with large pc monitors is that they seem to run very high native
> Right click desktop. Appearance, advanced, check "use large icons".
> But it's a bit of a PITA as all the icons wander around to refit.
> Or to make all text and icons re-scale set DPI setting on "general"
> tab.
>>Thanks for any help.
> --
> Peter Hill
> Spamtrap reply domain as per NNTP-Posting-Host in header
> Can of worms - what every fisherman wants.
> Can of worms - what every PC owner gets!