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From: Manmohan on 28 Jun 2010 21:56 Hi all, I would like to incorporate into my design a VGA controller . For this purpose, I am planning to use the Xilinx XPS TFT controller IP which has the VGA signals included in it. However, the issue is this IP has 6 bit width for each of the three colour components . However, the normal VGA port uses only one bit for this. I would like to know if it is possible to interface this IP to the normal VGA port using only one bit of the color components.? Or any good places where I could search for a VGA controller IP for this board? Thanks and Regards
From: Eric Smith on 29 Jun 2010 02:23
The color signals for VGA are analog, not digital. Ordinarily you would run each six-bit color components into a six-bit DAC and amplifier to drive the VGA color signal. If you only want eight colors (including black and white), then you can use just one bit of each color; that's what some low-cost FPGA eval boards do. Finding a different VGA controller IP block isn't going to solve this problem. |