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Your recommendations are requested please
In view of the MS abandonment of NNTP, I am trying to construct a Web Page of Links for use by myself and other developer - to show sites that relate to the subject covered by this Group I am aware that I could simply Google to find such pages BUT I really only want to include the ones recommended by "those that ... 10 May 2010 15:27
registry key gets undeleted after computer taken out of hibernation
I'm trying to better understand the registry and am having some difficulty doing so. HKCU\Software\Microsoft\Windows\CurrentVersion\Explorer\TypedPaths \url25 I delete that registry key using regedit and when I take my computer out of hibernate it's back. Any ideas as to what's going on? ... 9 May 2010 15:25
VB script using XCOPY
Hello I'm writing a script that copies files from one folder to another, and I'm using XCOPY. "cmd /c XCOPY " & ..... but how do I get the DOS shell window to open when I run this command ?? THanks ... 8 May 2010 16:44
VBS to remove Excel addin completely
Hello, The sample code I found below uninstalls an Excel add-in but leaves it in the list of available Add-ins. Im looking for a script to "completely" remove the Excel addin (tidy is nice!). I need to do this across a range of users with Office 2003 & 2007 so I was wanting to reference Excel objects rat... 7 May 2010 22:16
Looking for a name within a string
Hello I'm looping over a file ,and as I get each line I'm looking for a particualr name. I've tried use the split method, but each line contains whitespaces, and an un even number of white spaces, so the text item I'm looking for isn't always th esame element. Here is a sample of each line of text I I get ... 7 May 2010 18:58
Script running other scripts return values
hello I've got series of VB scripts that I run manually buy clicking on them, Can't I have one script that runs all of them? I would want to check a returned variable to is one script has a failure, the later one won't get executed. Can't I just use the .Run method? How do I return a value from one scrip... 7 May 2010 14:32
VBscript problem with Windows 7
We use the following VBscript code to get the username of the user: strComputer = "." Set objWMIService = GetObject("winmgmts:\\" & strComputer & "\root\cimv2") Set colItems = objWMIService.ExecQuery("Select * from Win32_ComputerSystem") For Each objItem In colItems strNomeUtente = objItem.UserName If st... 7 May 2010 17:52
parse config files
Hello I've got a config file for doing different types of builds, and I was wondering how I parse it with a VB script. The file configfile.txt is in the format [BUILDTYPE1] swmodule1=123-4567 swmodule2=123-4568 swmodule3=123-4569 swmodule4=123-4570 [BUILDTYPE2] swmodule1=125-4567 swmodule2=125-4568 ... 7 May 2010 15:39
Using Multidimensional Array
I am using multidimensional array in my function. dim aReturnValue() iIndexValue = 0 If iOccurrence > 0 Then bStringFound = True ' Prepare the return value ReDim Preserve aReturnValue(iIndexValue, 3) aReturnValue(iIndexValue,0) = sMatchedValue aReturnValue(iIndexValue,1) = iLineCount+1 aReturnValue(iIndexValue,2) = ... 7 May 2010 03:30
I've tried many things here- one person insisted that window should be activewindow but i tried it both as activewindow and activesheet and i cannot set the hpagebreaks. if i just set the first pagebreak it doesn't return an error but does nothing- if i run 2 or more hpagebreaks it errors out with subscript out of ... 6 May 2010 17:39
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