Hello the script works perfect, is it possible to make Hello the script works perfect, is it possible to make it so that different directory's can be checked ? I have about 15 directory's with differend archives were i want to use this script for. Already thanks, Gerard <D> wrote: I found this script one day when i was looking to do the same thing. 09-Nov-07 ... 28 May 2010 17:05
Enumerate all printers installed at computer startup (With Startup GPO) I add printers the following way so that all users have the printer available: oShell.Run("rundll32 printui.dll,PrintUIEntry /ga /q /n\\server \share", 0, True) I was able to enumerate all computer installed using the following code with either XP or 2003: Set oPrinters = oNetwork.EnumPrinterConnections But... 28 May 2010 07:10
vbs for Task Manger check which process using A lot of CPU resource HI All I have below vbs, to report win32 process, But I does not know how to select a process using A lot of CPU resource , said over 70% ? Ouptut as below c:\temp> c:\temp>chkprocess.vbs ID Caption Pool Usage ====== ============================== ========== 0 System Idle Pro... 28 May 2010 05:01
How to using SMTP mail by VBS Hi All This morning I am searching a sample of SMTP vbs for send mail. But Can not able to find. Are you have a sample SMTP mail for VBS ? At DOS prompt, one of perl script can able to send smtp mail. How about VBScript ? moonhkt ... 28 May 2010 08:15
Problem with objItem.InvokeVerbEx("Print") Hi, I have found several examples of scripts that use this: "objItem.InvokeVerbEx("Print")" to print text files. However, when I use it, I get a dialog box for every single file printed with the date/time and an OK button. This is really anoying if you have hundreds of files to Print. I have seen the issue ... 27 May 2010 23:38
Problem with objItem.InvokeVerbEx("Print") Hi, I have found several examples of scripts that use this: "objItem.InvokeVerbEx("Print")" to print text files. However, when I use it, I get a dialog box for every single file printed with the date/time and an OK button. This is really anoying if you have hundreds of files to Print. I have seen the issue br... 1 Jun 2010 10:52
Perform OR operation on function return values Hello: What's a simple approach for performing an OR operation on multiple calls to a function that returns a Boolean value? For example, I have this function that returns either True or False. Function funSomeFunction(strParam1, strParam2) funSomeFunction = True [False] I need to call the function multipl... 31 May 2010 22:57
ByVal for multiple parameters Hello: I didn't get a chance to test this yet and haven't found a clear answer online. If I have 3 parameters, and I want them all to be passed by value, do I need to specify ByVal 3 separate times like this: Sub subTest(ByVal strParam1, ByVal strParam2, ByVal strParam3), or can I specify ByVal once and have it a... 31 May 2010 00:06
output to cmd with | symbol Hi. I am trying to call a cmd with some parameters. Unfortunately one of them is the | symbol. Here is the call i make: cmd="cmd /c" & chr(34) & "Echo WEBTST" & vbtab & "Check Backup status" & vbtab & status & vbtab & "Backup completed ok" & chr(124) & "files=" & files & ", folders=" & folders &", bytes=" & ... 25 May 2010 12:26
VbScript and Windows 7 x64 - in IEx64 vbscript works, but not One more note: this code works on another machine running Win7 64-bit / IE8. So it seems to be an issue on this machine, but I can't figure out what. All Add-Ins have been disabled, settings checked, etc. VBScript appears to be disabled / broken, and I haven't been able to figure out how to re-enable / fix i... 14 Jun 2010 06:16 |