From: Daniel James on
In article <fo08t5116pl5cdufu8n1e16qpnsodqpebt(a)>, Peter wrote:
> I now have need of a seconbd such dongle - does anyone know if they
> are stilloffered by Voidafone, and id so, what I should ask for in one
> of their shops?

AFAIK they are no longer offered by Vodafone, but there are still some
in the retain channel. I go one from Maplin in the Strand (London) a
couple of weeks ago.

Maplin list the model as no longer available on their website, but it
seems that any Maplin shop should be able to tell you whether any other
branches in their area (but not nationwide) still have stock.

The chap in the shop tried to sell me the newer model with the 30-day
expiry -- and didn't seem to be aware of the exipry issue -- so be
careful that you get the right thing.
