From: ESKI on
On Sep 24, 2:40 pm, "Hagar" <ha...(a)> wrote:
> "Sanny" <softtank...(a)> wrote in message
> news:e3fbbbdc-02e5-47ac-9ccd-31466264e4c2(a)
> > Our Universe was born after Big Bang [99% Agree]
> The last Big Bang occurred when ShnuPuss climbed atop of NoTroll2009
> and fed him his tube steak.
> There was plenty of space and time ... space-time, as it were.
> So they took their sweet space-time, making it last all day ... taking
> turns,
> of course.
> It just took a long time to change the male/female werewolfie costumes every
> time they switched positions. At the end of the day, they still had
> sufficient
> strength, or was it stench, to pray to Obama, their new Messiah.

Well. this last post above. reduces the whole thing to an absuridty,
which perhaps it is. If one analyzed the words, "Space-Time"
closely, one might say that they can be summarized, or paraphrased,
as "Existence," a "Substance of Existence," or a "Substance." If
the "Big Bang" happened, it happened in some kind of existence. if
that exitence be described by "Space-Time," or be named, "space-Time,"
then the answer to the question is: "Sure, Space-Time" has always
been there....
From: Stamenin on
On Sep 24, 9:50 am, Sanny <softtank...(a)> wrote:
> Our Universe was born after Big Bang [99% Agree]
> When Universe was created It is said it was even smaller than even an
> electron.
> Am I Right here?
> What about spacetime. Was spacetime created after 10 ^ (-1000) seconds
> the Universe was formed? Or it was present even before BigBang
> happened?
> When the Universe was point small was it a Exact Regular Sphere?
> Were the Matter in Universe 100% Uniform when Big Bang started?
> If someone says Matter in Universe was not Uniform Then what forces
> made an irregular Universe?
> Was Gravity present when Universe was 1/100000000000000000000th of a
> second old?
> Say a star in another Universe at a Distance of Trillions of Lightyear
> was present when our Universe was formed. Had our Universe had sent
> Gravity force to that star in other Universe?
> Was the Mass of Universe when it was smaller than an electron same as
> the mass of Whole Universe we currently have.
> Last Difficult Question. When all Universe was the size of Electron
> Why didnt our Universe become a Black hole? Was the Gravitational Laws
> not developed at that time? Incase the mass of Universe was larger
> than the mass needed to create a black hole. What was the Force that
> was so huge that it even Broke a Black hole.
> At the time Universe was smaller than an electron Was Gravity Absent?
> If not What force was acting against Gravity? Even Nuclear Energy
> cannot withstand the pressure of Black hole?
> Say I drop Nuclear Bombs in a blackhole will it Brust. No A Black hole
> will even absorb a complete Star/ Galaxy. They how a Mass of Whole
> Universe contained in small sized electron was able to break the
> Gravity? What was that force that was higher than the force of
> Gravity?
> What was the Mass of Universe before Big Bang "ZERO" In that case from
> where "ZERO" mass changed to such a big mass.
> Was there something that created Big Bang. If there was something that
> created Big Bang. Then Why that thing is not part of our Universe now?
> Bye
> Sanny
> The Computer chats like Humans.
> Believe it???:
> Now you believe it. What do you say?

Sanny I understand very well your intention an I should prized it with
ten stars. In fact is speaking about the impossibility to find out the
truth about thing that happened in a far space and in a fare time.
These questions are treated by me in my Principle of the
impossibility, which I like to publish here as answer to your

As a consequence of the apparition of the Einstein relativity we have
the general conclusion that everything is relative. A long time ago I
tried to find out if the truth is relative and I was simply surprised
that this sentence is without a real contain. And really according to
Einstein theory of the relativity results that the time, the length,
the mass etc, are relative sizes but the speed (v) is not for example
relative. And there are a lot of other notions that can’t be
considered as being relative too. This is the cause why I started to
analyze the content of the principle of the relativity. The result was
the following article about the relativity as being a method of asking
the truth by analyzing all the comparative notions. By the application
of this theory is visible that all the unclear cases in science appear
because of the impossibility to be determined the micro infinites and
the macro infinities in physics and mathematics. Because of that I
give the biggest importance to this article that shows what is
possible and what is impossible to be known in science. This theory is
very similar with Heisenberg’s Uncertainty principle that says that we
can’t measure accurately the position and the speed of the particles
at the present time in cosmos. But my article treats more general
these phenomena by replacing the term uncertainty with the term
impossibility. The difference is enormous because it says not only
what we measure erroneously but also what we can’t know, we can’t
determine, and what is impossible for us to determine at all. And it
says why Einstein relativity is errant at least for the description of
the motion of the material bodies. And of course it shows that
everything in the nature is absolute, that means that for everything
there exists only one truth, the absolute truth. This means that the
relativity considered as a theory of the comparability is valid for
all sciences. But to our disappointment we in many cases can’t
determine the absolute truth.


It isn’t difficult to remark, that Einstein has taken the word
relativity from the Galilei principle of the relativity. Because of
that it is important to have a look, what is doing with this
principle. We can see in fact that Galilei makes a comparison between
two systems of coordinates, K1 and K2 and concludes what kind of
mathematical expression will have the laws of the mechanics in K1 if
we know what kind they have in K2 and inverse.
The condition that must be fulfilled in this comparison is that we
have to know that at least one of the two coordinate systems must be
an inertial system.
That means that he makes a comparison and finds out a truth: that the
laws of the mechanics are identical in both inertial systems of
coordinates. By this we can generalize and realize that we practically
in our lives do similar comparisons with all comparative notions about
which we have learned in grammatica. All these notions we can divide
in three groups:
1) Notions that represent multitudes of natural elements. For example,
12 birds, 6 cars, 5 fingers.
The words bird, car, finger are in this case units of counting.
2) Notions that are contained in the technical system, (MKS). When
we say that a building’s high is 60m, we do make in fact a comparison
between the building’s height and the length of the meter. In this way
we obtain a truth. But in this case we can have a unit of measurement,
a meter in hands and we know what it is. If we now like to do a
comparison between the coordinate systems K1 and K2 with this case and
take K1 similar with the building and K2 with the meter, we shall have
a clear picture about what happens with the systems K1 and K2. Here,
we have supposed that the systems K1 and K2 are inertial systems of
coordinates. But we can’t determine such coordinate systems, as they
are defined by Newton, and we can’t repeat again such a determination.
This is a substantial difference between the determination of the
building’s height and the determination of the absolute or relative
coordinate system.
3) Comparative notions without units of measurement. For example:
we say, that this man is a very wise man. But we haven’t any unit of
measurement for the wisdom and we can’t have it.
This song is more beautiful than the former one. And in this case the
truth is very unclear, because there is not any unit of measurement.
In all three groups we obtain some kind of truth. What can we say
about this truth taking in consideration the preciseness with which we
can determine it?
In the first group when we count natural elements we obtain an
absolute truth because there is no mistake, five fingers evidently are
five fingers.
In the second group when we say the building has 60m, both the meter
and the height of the building can’t be measured with an absolute
preciseness, because the absolute preciseness for the meter is 1+_0
and for the building is 60+_0 tolerances. Because the measurement is
done comparatively to the meter we can say that it is done relatively
to the meter and let us name it relative truth. In this case we can’t
obtain the absolute truth that really exists, but the relative truth
that represents a good approximation of the absolute truth. And that
happens for all sizes of the metric system. Out of that for the
biggest values of every size we can’t determine a relative truth but a
subjective truth. For example, we can’t measure the infinity of the
universe wit a meter. So we have a lot of situations when we are not
capable to find out an absolute truth. It is visible that all these
situations are caused by the existence of the micro infinity, as there
is the case of the determination of building’s height and the macro
infinity in the case of the determination of the infinity of the
cosmos. We can change nothing, so is the world constructed. If we
take a point in a straight line at the plan and note it with (0) how
can we determine the next nearest point if the points are defined as
circles with diameters zero? And we can’t determine a finite number of
points because we shall have 0*n=0. But we will not have such
difficulties with a finite number of golf balls for example.
In the third group when the notion hasn’t unit of measurement the
truth is a subjective truth. For example, about the assessment of the
wisdom of a man every body takes his wisdom as “unite” of measurement.
But how well somebody could assess his wisdom? It is evident that an
absolute truth exists and in this case but it is the same unavailable
and impossible to be determined and is available only the subjective
truth that is a rough approximation of the absolute truth. All these
cases allow us to affirm that everything in the nature is absolute and
not relative as has concluded Einstein. And this is the cause why I
affirm that Einstein has done an upside-down situation in physics. So
we can say now that the principle of the relativity is not a law of
the nature but a method of finding out the truth in the nature, and it
has as mathematical expression the Galilei transformation.
Let us conclude that: only the absolute truth exists in the nature
and it is independent of our will.
So, taking in consideration the above analysis, we can do the
following conclusions:
1) For the multitudes composed of natural elements, we can determine
the absolute truth.
2) For the sizes of the MKS system, we can determine the relative
truth and for the infinite values only the subjective truth.
3) For the comparative notions with out units of measurement we can
determine only the subjective truth.
This is all that we can say about the real relativity. It seems to be
extreme simple but has enormous possibility for the explanation of
many difficult problems in science. In the next pages I will give some
clarifications about cases in science where exist dubious situations
using these conclusions.

In mathematics scientists, work usually with the absolute truth
and all the mathematical formulas are based on the absolute truth. For
example the surface of a triangle is obtained by the formula: S=a.h/2
and gives the absolute truth if (a) and (h) are given as being known
with the absolute truth. But in physics in spite of the fact that
there are used the mathematical formulas in the previous case (a) and
(h), have to be measured and they can’t be taken in the absolute form
of the truth. In mathematics just in the case when we have a sum of
micro infinites can be found out as a value that represents an
absolute truth. Such a case is when in superior mathematics we like to
calculate the surface which is placed between the function, y= (b/a)
*x, and the abscise of a plan coordinate system (y,x.). The surface
will be the integration (S), for (y*dx) for (x=0 to x= a):
Q=S(b/a).xdx= (b/a)(x^2)/2 =(b/a)(a^2)/2-0=ab/2…for (x=0, until x=a)
Where x=a, and y=b are the coordinates until which is calculated the
For mathematicians the infinite small values and the infinite big
values are considered as clear notions, but if you ask them, what is
an infinite small value will get an answer, arbitrary small value,
which clarifies no more the situation. In this case the infinite small
value is represented by the term (dx). This quantity is so small that
if we multiply it with any number the produce remains the same an
infinite small number. So the term, (b/a)xdx, is the same an infinite
small number. And the operation of integration makes a sum of an
infinite number of such small quantities to give the exact formula, as
we know it from the Euclidean geometry. And Einstein and other
scientists criticize this geometry!!
A similar situation is with the number zero when we refer it to a
size, as it is a distance for example.
Many people ask themselves how is possible 1/(infinite)=0 and in the
same time
10000/(infinite)=0. This result appears because we can’t determine the
infinite number and for that we consider that the division between
every finite number and the infinite number gives zero.
By this we can see that an infinite small value is very close to the
number zero, but isn’t equal with it. There exists vicinity around the
number zero which is impossible to be known. That could be explained
with the fact that by the point of view of the physics we can’t know
how big or small are the macro infinity and the micro infinity.

One of the most characteristic confusions in mathematics is the critic
done by the Russian mathematician Lobachevski referred to the 5th
postulate of the Euclidean geometry. Euclid is considered the father
of the geometry. In spite of the huge time difference between their
livings Euclid is in principle right. But so far the question is
considered unsolved, as it is the case and with Einstein’s relativity
theory. Euclid’s definition of the 5th postulate says that to a
straight line on the plan we can draw only one parallel line from an
external point A. But, Lobachevski says that there could be drawn an
infinite number of parallel lines. The definition of the parallel
lines says: two right lines are parallel if they do not cut one
another if we prolong them as much as we like. Here the term “as much
as we like” means infinite practically. That means that there is
impossible to determine if two right lines are parallel or not by the
aid of this definition. Lobachevski has exploited this feeble part of
the definition and said that is possible to be drawn an infinite
number of parallel lines. Because of that he decided to create a new
geometry, which some authors compare the effort done by him with the
effort done by Einstein creating his theory of the relativity.
But his definition is not totally correct because he uses a
macroinfinite term in his definition. This leads us to a subjective
form of the truth that enabled Lobachevski to use it in errant
So we can conclude that there is a need to be changed the definition
given by Euclid and to have the following content: Two straight lines
are parallel if being cut by a third line make adjacent angles equal
one to another. We will always do an error when we try to draw a
parallel line to an existing line with this definition, but the error
will appertain to the group of notions where we can find out the
relative truth where we have a good approximation of the absolute
A similar critic to the Euclidean geometry makes Einstein in his
book, Relativity. He affirms that through two points in the plan can
be drawn an infinite number of straight lines. But we have seen that
the two chosen points every one of them has an infinite number of
neighbor points, which we can’t determine. That is a micro infinity.
And if we say that we can take a point from one infinity of neighbor
points, we can consider that through every point of this infinity of
points, passes only one line. So it is evident that this critic is the
same errant. Surely there are and other problems like these in
mathematics and physics, but freely we can conclude that all they can
be explained with the existence of the micro infinities and macro
infinities. Such an example could be the infinity of the cosmos. We
can’t know how big is the
universe. But Einstein gave a strange assessment that it isn’t
infinite but is unbounded. This is an absurd sentence, but being said
by Einstein is accepted as being real.
A similar situation is with the sum of two segments: AB+BC =BC. The
Lorentz transformation shows that it is not correct relation. LT just
shows that AB seen from one coordinate system is not equal with AB
seen from the other coordinate system.
This conclusion is a consequence of the Lorentz transformation and is
easily to be seen that is errant. In physics are tendencies to create
theories about everything or theories that will unite all the laws of
the nature, or all the forces in the nature. Einstein managed in this
direction to find out that in the term, “all laws of the nature”, to
be contained only one law, the law of the constancy of the light
speed. How will find out other authors the content in terms like,
“everything” and, “all forces and phenomena in nature”?
So far we where treating problems which appertain to the second group
of the comparative notions. Problems of the first group we haven’t,
evidently because there we haven’t difficulties for the determination
of the absolute truth.
But for the third group we have big problems for the determination of
the absolute truth because there we have in disposition only the
possibility to determine a subjective truth which is very far of the
absolute truth. Such are for example, the sociology, the history, the
medicine and others where we can’t have a possibility to measure the
comparative notions.

From: Double-A on
On Sep 24, 9:50 am, Sanny <softtank...(a)> wrote:
> Our Universe was born after Big Bang [99% Agree]
> When Universe was created

You mean when God pushed the plunger?

> It is said it was even smaller than even an
> electron.
> Am I Right here?

Who was around to measure?

> What about spacetime. Was spacetime created after 10 ^ (-1000) seconds
> the Universe was formed? Or it was present even before BigBang
> happened?

Not present.

> When the Universe was point small was it a Exact Regular Sphere?

Probably irregular shaped to to quantum fluctuations.

> Were the Matter in Universe 100% Uniform when Big Bang started?

What matter?

> If someone says Matter in Universe was not Uniform Then what forces
> made an irregular Universe?

Quantum fluctuations.

> Was Gravity present when Universe was 1/100000000000000000000th of a
> second old?

Why not?

> Say a star in another Universe at a Distance of Trillions of Lightyear
> was present when our Universe was formed. Had our Universe had sent
> Gravity force to that star in other Universe?

That star would not be part of our universe, therefore that star would
not exist in our universe, therefore there is nothing there for
gravity to act upon.

> Was the Mass of Universe when it was smaller than an electron same as
> the mass of Whole Universe we currently have.

What mass?

> Last Difficult Question. When all Universe was the size of Electron
> Why didnt our Universe become a Black hole?

It was.

> Was the Gravitational Laws
> not developed at that time? Incase the mass of Universe was larger
> than the mass needed to create a black hole. What was the Force that
> was so huge that it even Broke a Black hole.
> At the time Universe was smaller than an electron Was Gravity Absent?
> If not What force was acting against Gravity? Even Nuclear Energy
> cannot withstand the pressure of Black hole?

Space itself expanded, rather than matter breaking away from gravity.
The universe is still a black hole, you know!

> Say I drop Nuclear Bombs in a blackhole will it Brust. No A Black hole
> will even absorb a complete Star/ Galaxy. They how a Mass of Whole
> Universe contained in small sized electron was able to break the
> Gravity? What was that force that was higher than the force of
> Gravity?

Gravity was never broken. We are still in a black hole! If you add
up all the matter and energy in the universe and calculate where the
event horizon should be, it ends up being way out at the edge of the
universe as we measure it!

> What was the Mass of Universe before Big Bang "ZERO" In that case from
> where "ZERO" mass changed to such a big mass.

In the beginning, there was no matter, only energy.

> Was there something that created Big Bang. If there was something that
> created Big Bang. Then Why that thing is not part of our Universe now?

Who says He isn't?

> Bye
> Sanny
> The Computer chats like Humans.
> Believe it???:
> Now you believe it. What do you say?


From: Chris on
On 24 Sep, 17:50, Sanny <softtank...(a)> wrote:
> Our Universe was born after Big Bang [99% Agree]
> When Universe was created It is said it was even smaller than even an
> electron.
> Am I Right here?
> What about spacetime. Was spacetime created after 10 ^ (-1000) seconds
> the Universe was formed? Or it was present even before BigBang
> happened?
> When the Universe was point small was it a Exact Regular Sphere?
> Were the Matter in Universe 100% Uniform when Big Bang started?

Sir Roger Penrose talks about these questions in this crudely recorded
but very interesting lecture here:

I liked the part about the Big Bang having to proceed from a highly
organised state. - Quite a lot different from the quantum
fluctuation theory.

From: Immortalist on
> Was spacetime present before Big Bang?

If, in mathematics and physics, the dimension of a space or object is
informally defined as the minimum number of coordinates needed to
specify each point within it, and before the Big Bang the dimensions
of our universe did not exist, and space and time are dimensions, then
no, spacetime probably does not exist outside of dimension.

On Sep 24, 9:50 am, Sanny <softtank...(a)> wrote:
> Our Universe was born after Big Bang [99% Agree]
> When Universe was created It is said it was even smaller than even an
> electron.
> Am I Right here?
> What about spacetime. Was spacetime created after 10 ^ (-1000) seconds
> the Universe was formed? Or it was present even before BigBang
> happened?
> When the Universe was point small was it a Exact Regular Sphere?
> Were the Matter in Universe 100% Uniform when Big Bang started?
> If someone says Matter in Universe was not Uniform Then what forces
> made an irregular Universe?
> Was Gravity present when Universe was 1/100000000000000000000th of a
> second old?
> Say a star in another Universe at a Distance of Trillions of Lightyear
> was present when our Universe was formed. Had our Universe had sent
> Gravity force to that star in other Universe?
> Was the Mass of Universe when it was smaller than an electron same as
> the mass of Whole Universe we currently have.
> Last Difficult Question. When all Universe was the size of Electron
> Why didnt our Universe become a Black hole? Was the Gravitational Laws
> not developed at that time? Incase the mass of Universe was larger
> than the mass needed to create a black hole. What was the Force that
> was so huge that it even Broke a Black hole.
> At the time Universe was smaller than an electron Was Gravity Absent?
> If not What force was acting against Gravity? Even Nuclear Energy
> cannot withstand the pressure of Black hole?
> Say I drop Nuclear Bombs in a blackhole will it Brust. No A Black hole
> will even absorb a complete Star/ Galaxy. They how a Mass of Whole
> Universe contained in small sized electron was able to break the
> Gravity? What was that force that was higher than the force of
> Gravity?
> What was the Mass of Universe before Big Bang "ZERO" In that case from
> where "ZERO" mass changed to such a big mass.
> Was there something that created Big Bang. If there was something that
> created Big Bang. Then Why that thing is not part of our Universe now?
> Bye
> Sanny
> The Computer chats like Humans.
> Believe it???:
> Now you believe it. What do you say?