From: spudnik on
so, why do you beleive that BP et al ad vomitorium
are against Kyoto or other cap&trade/free-trade nostrums?

this is forever obscured by using "rays" of light,
traces assumed to be the path of a photon,
that was called a particle by herr docktor-professor E.
-- but, how can a massless object have a momentum ...
are you going to leave that lump under that carpet?

another problem is the typicla pedagogy of SR,
where it is "simplified" by putting the ray of light
onto the x-axis; why, bother?... I mean,
they'd have uncovered tripolars, by now,
using the generalized problem (still,
of ray-tracing "geometrical optics" .-)

--BP love's Waxman's new [*] cap&trade, and
Obama is using the spill to impliment [**] it -- and
it's all the fault of Jerry Brown's Californicators,
who won't develop their own oil, instead!
* Waxman's '91 cap&trade was for NOx and SOtwo.
** Organized the CCX as a Senator.

--Fermat's next theorem!