From: Mike Baker **Adobe Community Expert** on

"Diane Low" <webforumsuser(a)> wrote in message
> Hi Amy,
> Here is our web player:
> Complete 7.0 player (3.5 Mb)
> We publish for intranet delivery where all users access the same LMS
> These courses do not go to a public website.
> I also read Paul & Steve's notes and took them into account. I used
> code, removed the added file from the OBP and republished. We just tested
> on the test server and still received the shell error five (though we no
> receive the Where is the EXE? window). At this point, our pilot testing
> tomorrow so we are going to remove the Jump/Print/Return feature and move
> content to our RoboHelp Learning Guide so we can pilot test.
> Our IT has not been able to help much citing they are unfamiliar with
> Authorware. We have the option of calling Authorware TechSupport and if I
> more development time that is the direction we would go. You have all
> great support and I appreciate all your efforts. Thanks again!
> Diane

Put the doc file back into OBP and switch back to the FileLocation version.
As Amy points out it just won't work from the server. Concentrate on fixing
the FileLocation option. I think you mentioned that the document shows up
next to the aam. If that's true then
JumpPrintReturn(FileLocation^"Glossary_Final3_12_07.doc") should be what
you're looking for. You didn't tell OBP to put the doc in the "Files\\"


From: Diane Low on
Which was pretty much the opposite of what should have happened.
JumpPrintReturn is not designed to print a file on a server, so continuing
to try to do that is destined to fail.

...not designed to print on a server...picture a lightbulb in a bubble
caption...duh. So that is why it works in my self -executables/and on my c
drives but not when published to the test server...

When we decided to use the JumpPrintReturn function, the only roadblock we saw
noted in the AW help files was that this function was disabled in "non trusting
mode". That's why we inserted the AW Web player Security KO & listed the
trusted domains. Was there a way I could have known that this function is not
designed to work on servers from reading the help files or is this acquired
knowledge? I started doing more advanced AW development last year but realize
how complex the software is and learn a lot from the various AW discussion
groups. I am pretty much on a learn as I go basis here.

> We just tested it
> on the test server and still received the shell error five (though we no
> longer
> receive the Where is the EXE? window).

Well yes. The function can't do what you're asking it to do

Thanks Amy!

From: Amy Blankenship *AdobeCommunityExpert* on

"Diane Low" <webforumsuser(a)> wrote in message
> Which was pretty much the opposite of what should have happened.
> JumpPrintReturn is not designed to print a file on a server, so continuing
> to try to do that is destined to fail.
> ...not designed to print on a server...picture a lightbulb in a bubble
> caption...duh. So that is why it works in my self -executables/and on my
> c
> drives but not when published to the test server...
> When we decided to use the JumpPrintReturn function, the only roadblock we
> saw
> noted in the AW help files was that this function was disabled in "non
> trusting
> mode". That's why we inserted the AW Web player Security KO & listed the
> trusted domains. Was there a way I could have known that this function is
> not
> designed to work on servers from reading the help files or is this
> acquired
> knowledge? I started doing more advanced AW development last year but
> realize
> how complex the software is and learn a lot from the various AW discussion
> groups. I am pretty much on a learn as I go basis here.
> > We just tested it
> > on the test server and still received the shell error five (though we no
> > longer
> > receive the Where is the EXE? window).
> Well yes. The function can't do what you're asking it to do

The Authorware community went over the Help files before the release of
Authorware 6.5, but so far as I know, none of the comments have been
incorporated. If you go to the LiveDocs, you can see any comments added to
that since AW 7 was released. You could even add a comment of your own!