From: Xah Lee on
On Apr 21, 5:00 am, Adam Funk <a24...(a)> wrote:
> On 2010-04-20, Xah Lee wrote:
> > Actually, just yesterday i wrote:
> > • The Writing Style on
> >
> The paragraph on dashes goes against every standard for English that
> I've seen.  In typeset work, em-dashes should never be spaced
> (although I use " --- " for them in plain-text formats such as
> USENET), and there is a useful distinction between em- and en-dashes
> (the latter are for ranges of numbers, for example).  Many British
> publishers follow a custom of using spaced en-dashes instead of
> em-dashes; I don't like this, but at least they are making the
> distinction.

I think most of your remarks is factually wrong. I was going to be
colorful and say that the logical conclusion is that you haven't seen
much, but, just that most of your remarks is factually wrong.

See, for example, here, on the section on Hyphen and Dashes:

• The Moronicities of Typography


From: Pascal J. Bourguignon on
Peter Moylan <gro.nalyomp(a)retep> writes:

> Modern programming languages, especially the object-oriented ones, seem
> to encourage a philosophy of "Let's try this and see whether it works".
> That's a big mistake, in my opinion.

I too would like a more "constructivist" approach to programming, but
unfortunately, with most of the code out there (libraries, etc), you
cannot really expect to be able to use correctly them without trying
them out. (All, really, you would be hard pressed finding one that is
documented well enough, and enough bug free to be able to write a client
working from the first time).

__Pascal Bourguignon__
From: Peter Brooks on
On Apr 21, 1:41 pm, Peter Moylan <gro.nalyomp(a)retep> wrote:
> Here's an interesting example from my teaching computer programming.
> Programmers typically expect to have to revise over and over, with
> numerous recompilations as errors are revealed. Once, though, I set a
> programming assignment with the rule "You only get one chance to have it
> compile and run correctly." (This was in the days of punched cards,
> where the turnaround was one compilation per day.) Remarkably, about 70%
> of the class turned in a working program. Since the students knew they
> couldn't use trial and error, they took more care to avoid inserting the
> errors in the first place.
I had a similar experience. I was taught COBOL programming with no
computer at all. We had to write the whole program on coding sheets,
in pencil. The scoring of tests was simple, you started with 100%, any
typo was -1%; the tests ran to about four coding sheets, any logic
error was -3%, the pass rate was 96% and if you failed the weekly
test, two weeks running, you were off the course. They turned out some
amazing programming machines that way.
> Modern programming languages, especially the object-oriented ones, seem
> to encourage a philosophy of "Let's try this and see whether it works".
> That's a big mistake, in my opinion.
I agree.

My more human experience was with Pascal. With that I found that once
I got the compile to run through, there were seldom any logic errors -
unlike FORTRAN or assembler that would compile first time, but be
riddled with them.
From: Xah Lee on
On Apr 20, 8:56 pm, Peter Axon <pe...(a)> wrote:
> But you don't write in-depth technical stuff. You write in a
> blogger-tutorial style.

humm... that's a reasonable critique. Am trying to think hard, of all
my hyperbole and boasts of my writing skills and knowledge, i don't
think i have written a coherent academic quality work of more than,
say, 50k words. Well, actually, my special plane curves, my wall paper
group exposition, my emacs tutorial, come close, or very close. In
fact, thinking about these works, it simply thwarts your claim. They
are rather in-depth and not just blogging styled
tutorial. The plane curves and emacs each are book sized too, much
more than 50k words. Especially the math works, are cited in more than
ten academic journals and text books.

what am thinking more to myself, is that i don't think i have wrote
some none technical subjects that's substantial and coherently
sizable. All i have is pretty much a collection of a hundred or 2
disparate short essays that are more or less so-called creative
writings, mostly academically classified as rant style of social

But here again, what am actually doing is close to introspection of
self-worth — a flaw of mine. All things considered, of my published
writings, with as much indifference as possible, i'd say they are more
worth than say lifetime output of more than 90% of today's PhDs.

> The following are from your article:
> > Do not use a "and" for the last item in a sequence of things, unless
> > it is too odd. For example, write "My favorite fruits are peach,
> > banana, cherry", not "My favorite fruits are peach, banana, and
> > cherry".
> > The article "an" is always written as "a".
> Which clown invents their own grammar? It makes your stuff just awkward
> to read.

Awkwardness is a point of view, young man.

Don't you find Shakespeare awkward to read?

Don't you find Chinese awkward to read?

Do you find one cuming or one Finnegans awkward to read?

have you thought about the reasons why? If you put your mind into
this, you could, write a 3 thousands words essay about this topic. For
example, here's some tips to start your essay. Classify the reasons.
Give example of each. Quote the part of literature for each. Define
what is meant by “awkward to read”. And, unavoidably, you probably
have to philosophize about the audience. Depending on where you want
to go, your essay can turn into classification of audiences, research
report on english styles, nature and character of works from
recognized stylists, definition of english styles, history of english
styles, survey of world's styles by region... etc. (the work in this
can become years long, tantamount to a phD's thesis.)

After which, you'll have a reasonable workout on this matter, then
perhaps you'll see, my point of view.

alternatively, you can just read more of me.

• To An Or Not To An

• On the Postposition of Conjunction in Penultimate Position of a


From: russell on
Xah Lee wrote:


> On Apr 19, 4:40 am, r...(a) (Rob Warnock) wrote:
> Robert Uhl <eadmun...(a)> wrote:
>> As Halmos said in his classic little essay:
>> [3.3 MB, 30 pages]
>> How to write mathematics
>> P. R. Halmos
>> ...
>> 6. Write in Spirals
>> The best way to start writing, perhaps the only way, is to write
>> on the spiral plan. According to the spiral plan the chapters get
>> written in the order 1, 2, 1, 2, 3, 1, 2, 3, 4, etc. You think you
>> know how to write Chapter 1, but after you have done it and gone
>> on to Chapter 2, you'll realize that you could have done a better
>> job on Chapter 2 if you had done Chapter 1 differently. There is
>> no help for it but to go back, do Chapter 1 again differently, do a
>> better job on Chapter 2, and then dive into Chapter 3. And of course
>> you know what will happen: Chapter 3 will show up the weaknesses of
>> Chapters 1 and 2, and there is no help for it... etc., etc., etc.


No no no, The best way to rewrite, as everybody knows, is to use a
modified tower of Hanoi sequence e.g. (1 2 1 3 1 2 1 4 1 2 1 3 1 2 1)


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