From: Tim Bradshaw on
On 2010-04-09 11:11:50 +0100, Tim Bradshaw said:

> I hand-write any maths I do (which is not much, though more than a few
> years ago) until I have a final (+/-) version.

I meant to add: signifiantly I *don't* hand-write programs, not even
tiny fragments of them.

From: His kennyness on
Tim Bradshaw wrote:
> On 2010-04-09 10:17:58 +0100, His kennyness said:
>> ps. What do the dinosaurs think of MathML? The typesetting, I mean.
> Are there good systems that set type from it? The only thing I've
> played with is getting Mathematica to generate MathML (because I'm not
> about to type it in) and pointing Firefox at it, which produces
> terrible-looking results on screen (and I would expect on paper). But
> this is two levels of cruft - I bet Mathematica produces peculiar MathML
> and I don't expect Firefox is anything like a decent typesetting
> system. It looks much worse than jsMath though (but jsMath is pretty
> heroic really).

Aha! jsMath!! You just changed my life.

Thx, kt

ps. kennyfans can start tracking 'kennytilton' on github, where I am
ramping up an o/s qxells project (+ cells qooxdoo). just utils-kt so
far, cells later.
From: Harald Hanche-Olsen on
+ His kennyness <kentilton(a)>:

> Aha! jsMath!! You just changed my life.

Then take a look at its successor-to-be:

* Harald Hanche-Olsen <URL:>
- It is undesirable to believe a proposition
when there is no ground whatsoever for supposing it is true.
-- Bertrand Russell
From: Mario S. Mommer on

Nicolas Neuss <lastname(a)> writes:
> m_mommer(a) (Mario S. Mommer) writes:
> To make sure: Do you use Emacs/AucTeX and do you use structuring
> commands like
> \newcommand{\abs}[1]{\lvert#1\rvert}
> \newcommand{\set}[1]{\{#1\}}
> \newcommand{\norm}[1]{\lVert#1\rVert}
> ?
> With that and a little discipline (using begin/end{displaymath} for
> example instead of $$) I can get quite readable source.

I use almost the whole stack, Emacs + AucTex + x-symbol, although not
that preview thing that comes with auctex. x-symbol is really great, btw.

I still don't think the source is all that readable. Pen on paper just
beats it.
From: His kennyness on
Harald Hanche-Olsen wrote:
> + His kennyness <kentilton(a)>:
>> Aha! jsMath!! You just changed my life.
> Then take a look at its successor-to-be:

Damn. There goes my weekend!

