From: Griffin on 5 Jan 2010 16:36 I'm working on a ML402 (Virtex-4) EDK project which has one custom IP ("event_getter") that was created using the EDK Create Peripheral Wizard and then I added my code (included below) to the generated user_logic.vhdl file. I am able to generate a netlist without issue, but when I compile the bitstream, I get the following warnings: WARNING:LIT:243 - Logical network my_peripheral_pin_0_IBUF has no load. and WARNING:MapLib:701 - Signal my_peripheral_pin<0> connected to top level port my_peripheral_pin<0> has been removed. and it is repeated for pins my_peripheral_pin<1 - 6> (ie, all my external pins). Synthesis continues, however, and a bitstream is generated. My peripheral code is: pin_in: std_logic_vector(0 to 6); [...] signal pixel_0 : std_logic_vector(0 to 15):= (others => '0'); signal pixel_1 : std_logic_vector(0 to 15):= (others => '0'); signal pixel_2 : std_logic_vector(0 to 15):= (others => '0'); signal pixel_3 : std_logic_vector(0 to 15):= (others => '0'); signal pixel_4 : std_logic_vector(0 to 15):= (others => '0'); signal pixel_5 : std_logic_vector(0 to 15):= (others => '0'); signal pixel_6 : std_logic_vector(0 to 15):= (others => '0'); signal s0: std_logic_vector(0 to C_SLV_DWIDTH-1):= (others => '0'); signal s1: std_logic_vector(0 to C_SLV_DWIDTH-1):= (others => '0'); signal s2: std_logic_vector(0 to C_SLV_DWIDTH-1):= (others => '0'); signal s3: std_logic_vector(0 to C_SLV_DWIDTH-1):= (others => '0'); [...] -- purpose: peek at pixels and increment corresponding counters -- type : combinational -- inputs : pin_in(i) -- outputs: pixel_(i) check0: process (pin_in(0)) is begin if rising_edge(pin_in(0)) then pixel_0 <= pixel_0 + '1'; s0(0 to 15) <= pixel_0; end if; end process; check1: process (pin_in(1)) is begin if rising_edge(pin_in(1)) then pixel_1 <= pixel_1 + '1'; s0(16 to 31) <= pixel_1; end if; end process; (the above two blocks are repeated for pixels 2-6) -- purpose: update registers to pixel count values -- inputs : Bus2IP_Clk -- outputs: slv_reg(i) UPDATE_REGISTERS : process (Bus2IP_Clk) is begin -- process slv_reg0 <= s0; slv_reg1 <= s1; slv_reg2 <= s2; slv_reg3 <= s3; end process; slv_reg0..3 are read out by EDK's automatically generated ReadReg functions so I can access them from the C-level part of my project. Firstly, I'm not sure what the first message means, no where in the code I wrote have I defined anything including '_IBUF' (albeit I suspect it to be something EDK generates automatically, in such a case, can someone tell me what it is? Secondly, if I understand correctly, the pins of my custom peripheral are being removed from the project. I've looked around the internet a bit and suspect this might be done due to auto-optimization, but considering that these pins are, indeed, being used in the user_logic file, and the registers that they store their values in are being read out by my applicateion C code, I'm not sure why this would happen. Does anyone have an idea why EDK could be removing my pins? I assigned them to be external ports in EDK via System Assembly View - > Ports -> My_peripheral -> (net column menu) Make External. Thanks in advance, Sean.
From: Mike Treseler on 7 Jan 2010 18:19 Griffin wrote: > Secondly, if I understand correctly, the pins of my custom peripheral > are being removed from the project. I've looked around the internet a > bit and suspect this might be done due to auto-optimization, but > considering that these pins are, indeed, being used in the user_logic It's not enough for a signal to be used by a process. If a top level output port is not driven by a process -- no output pin. If a top input input port is not read by a process -- no input pin. > file, and the registers that they store their values in are being read > out by my application C code, correctly or all zeros? -- Mike Treseler
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