From: Charlie Gibbs on
In article <ek1l45$8qk_003(a)>,
jmfbahciv(a) (jmfbahciv) writes:

> And didn't IBM develop a philosophy of nailing down physical
> addresses before anything can get started? This makes sense
> if your sysetm is a data processing production system. You do
> not want to start a job that needed a resource which doesn't exist
> before the job is started.
> I'm not saying this is "wrong". I'm saying that it's a different
> approach that has different side effects than waiting until
> the second the resource is needed to provide it.

Indeed. It's even possible to get into resource allocation deadlocks
if you don't have everything reserved ahead of time. In a mindset
that insists that a job make it to completion once it's started, the
trade-offs are a bit different. (Mind you, few people understand
such a mindset these days - thanks to Microsoft, crashes and forced
cancellations are accepted as normal.)

/~\ cgibbs(a)kltpzyxm.invalid (Charlie Gibbs)
\ / I'm really at ac.dekanfrus if you read it the right way.
X Top-posted messages will probably be ignored. See RFC1855.
/ \ HTML will DEFINITELY be ignored. Join the ASCII ribbon campaign!

From: CBFalconer on
Charlie Gibbs wrote:
> jmfbahciv(a) (jmfbahciv) writes:
>> And didn't IBM develop a philosophy of nailing down physical
>> addresses before anything can get started? This makes sense
>> if your sysetm is a data processing production system. You do
>> not want to start a job that needed a resource which doesn't exist
>> before the job is started.
>> I'm not saying this is "wrong". I'm saying that it's a different
>> approach that has different side effects than waiting until
>> the second the resource is needed to provide it.
> Indeed. It's even possible to get into resource allocation deadlocks
> if you don't have everything reserved ahead of time. In a mindset
> that insists that a job make it to completion once it's started, the
> trade-offs are a bit different. (Mind you, few people understand
> such a mindset these days - thanks to Microsoft, crashes and forced
> cancellations are accepted as normal.)

IIRC it is sufficient to describe all non-shareable resources by an
integer, and insist on accessing those in strictly increasing
numerical descriptions, while releasing them in the inverse order.

Chuck F (cbfalconer at maineline dot net)
Available for consulting/temporary embedded and systems.

From: Anne & Lynn Wheeler on

jmfbahciv(a) writes:
> And didn't IBM develop a philosophy of nailing down physical
> addresses before anything can get started? This makes sense
> if your sysetm is a data processing production system. You do
> not want to start a job that needed a resource which doesn't exist
> before the job is started.
> I'm not saying this is "wrong". I'm saying that it's a different
> approach that has different side effects than waiting until
> the second the resource is needed to provide it.
> My background is operating systems that had the "just in time"
> philosophy about resources; this deeply affects when relocation
> happens to code.

os/360 linker/loader resolved (relocatable address constant) addresses
at the time the application was loaded (originally "real" addresses,
but later on, applications were executed in virtual address space
rather than real).

my complaints with the os/360 convention wasn't particularly the
resolving ... it was that the convention had the relocation address
constants distributed thruout the executable image. that caused
problems when i did paged mapped filesystem for cms in the early 70s,
it wasn't possible to just page map the executable image and then
start execution ... the executable image had to be page mapped and
then the linker/loader had to run thru (essentially) random locations
in the executable image .... swizzling the relocatable address
constants. this requires that some (nearly random) number of pages
have to be prefetched by the link/loader and modified (before
application execution can be begin). misc. past posts about
doing page mapped filesystem support for cms

furthermore, it made impossible the page mapping of the same
executable image into different virtual address spaces at different
virtual addresses. misc. past post about trying to support page
mapping the same executable image into different virtual address
spaces at potentially different virtual addresses

other aspects of os/360 was that physical disk storage tended to be
pre-allocated before the application started execution. on the other
hand, from the start, the cms filesystem would dynamically each
physical disk record as it was required. os/360 filesystem tended to
get very good file locality ... while the cms mechanism could result
in nearly random location for a file's physical records. when i did
the cms filesystem enhancement for page mapping, i also added some
semantics for supporting a degree of contiguous allocation.

for lots of other drift .... old email discussing r/o protection of
shared images ... in the following "BNR" refers to Bell Northern

This is discussing "new" method for "protecting" shared segments
introduced with release 3 of vm370. Originally, CMS had been
reorganized to take advantage of the 370 "segment protect" feature.
when that feature was dropped from 370 (as part of helping 370/165
meet schedule for retrofitting virtual memory), vm370 had to revert to
the key-protect games used by cp67 for shared page protection.

The vm370 release 3 changes allowed, eliminated protection. instead,
there was a page scan whenever there was task switch ... to check if
the previous task had modified any shared pages. if a shared page had
been found to be modified, it was discarded (and any subsequent
reference would cause a page fault and retrieve of an unmodified copy
from disk).

with multiprocessor support, they then had to add a unique copy
of shared pages for every running processor.

the email also mentions performance enhancement to not bother with
protection ... allowing any application in one address space to
corrupt (shared) executable images potentially in use by large number
of other applications.

From: wheeler
Date: 04/05/79 20:40:23

FYI; BNR has done some testing on what the release 3 changed page
checking is costing them. A 4-5 segment program moved into a
discontiquous shared system was requiring about 10% more CPU to
complete than running as a module (the changed page checking more than
offset any reduction in CPU gained by not doing as much paging and not
doing the I/O to load the module). The release 6 not checking code
appears to worse than useless for most users (who ever thot of it in
the 1st place). Most of the people who are in the tightest CPU bind
also have the most users (possibly 200+ plus), it wouldn't take very
many incidents of accidental, unpredictable segment modification to
completely blow away all possible thru-put gains of using it. Maybe
that could be minimized by having a timer driven routine which would
run around once every 2-3 minutes checking for any changed pages
(which were not be checked for) and abend CP (SVC 0). That would bring
the system down and back-up again clean with a minimum of service
disruption to the users. The other alternative is for 15-30 minutes to
elapsed where everybody got the fealing that something was wrong, but
nobody could quite fiqure out what. Hopefully a system programmer
would be along to get them out of the mess (also PTR could even abend
faster if a shared, changed page was ever selected). This also
eliminates all the nasty buGs associated with DMKVMA and
unsharing. You get a nice, clean abend that nobody has to worry about
fixing (could even change CP so that it even bypasses taking a dump).

I haven't heard of anybody yet who is planning on using the release 6
feature to save the overhead of checking for changed pages in
CMS. Maybe some installation that doesn't have very many people
dependent on CMS (Of course in that case why are they worrying about
the performance?).

.... snip ...

past posts about the vm370 release 3 change for "protecting" shared
pages System/360; Hardwired vs. Microcoded Moving assembler programs above the line Moving assembler programs above the line Q ALLOC PAGE vs. CP Q ALLOC vs ESAMAP VM maclib reference Mainframe Limericks DCSS Assembler question

From: Anne & Lynn Wheeler on

The first problem with taking an existing application and setting it
up for common, shared executable across multiple virtual address
spaces involved making sure that the executable image would work in
read-only, protected storage. A lot of the applications from the
period tended to have a lot of temporary working storage spread
through-out the program. Portions of the code typically had to be
rewritten to convert it for use in read-only, protected execution.

I had originally done the CMS paged mapped filesystem support and the
shared execution support in the early 70s. A very small subset of that
support was included in release 3 under the label "DCSS" (or
discontiguous shared segments).

I had support that could take shared executable image directly from
the CMS (paged mapped) filesystem. However, not only was there
the relocatable address constant issue ... discussed in the
previous posts Why these original FORTRAN quirks? Why these original FORTRAN quirks?

but also modifying existing application code that made used of
internal working storage. Recent post that has quite a bit
of RED editor discussion Assembler question

included an email from 3nov78 that makes a passing reference to
modifying RED editor for execution in shared, protected storage.

this refers to RED having the necessary modifications between 3nov78
and 23may79. the "re-genmoding" (in the following email) refers to the
CMS command with the modifications that supports automatically
invoking the shared execution invokation from paged mapped filesystem.

NED is another (internal) editor from the period. APL is the APL
interpreter. DSM is the "script" document format application ... i.e.
supporting both script "dot" formating commands as well as GML
(generalized markup language) format commands ... misc. past posts
mentioning GML, SGML, HTML, XML, etc

From: wheeler
Date: 05/23/79 19:14:12

I've setup up the following and checked for storage alterations

and DSM

just by loading and re-genmoding them. RED and NED have been regen'ed
with just segment 2 shared (RED has another 5-6 pages and NED has
another 2-3 pages). APL was gen'ed with segments 2, 3, and 4 shared
(it has another 1 or 2 pages). DSM was gen'ed with segments 2 and 3
shared (it has another 14-15 pages, it would be worthwhile to obtain
the original DSM text decks and dummy the ending module location up to
the next segment boundary so that segment 4 could also be shared).
EDGAR is just slightly under 16 pages. It will also be necessary to
obtain the original text for it so that its ending address is rounded
up to a segment boundary so that it will have a shared segment. That
takes care of the immediate modules that I know about that can be


also re: APL; the APL we are running is 2.1 from PID. Talking to the
science centers it was suggested that we obtain LA's APL for our
production system. Among its other enhancements, their comment was
that at least with LA's APL we would receive support as compared to
the PID version (I assume they mean to imply PID version isn't
answering and/or correcting any bug reports).

.... snip ...

misc. past posts mentiong DCSS: Z/90, S/390, 370/ESA (slightly off topic) LINUS for S/390 Very CISC Instuctions (Was: why the machine word size ...) Early computer games dasd full cylinder transfer (long post warning) Alpha performance, why? SYSPROF and the 190 disk hung/zombie users ... long boring, wandering story misc. dmksnt IBM 360 memory command line switches [Re: [REALLY OT!] Overuse of symbolic Xah Lee's Unixism Whatever happened to IBM's VM PC software? Integer types for 128-bit addressing Integer types for 128-bit addressing vm/370 smp support and shared segment protection hack IUCV in VM/CMS Relocating application architecture and compiler support System/360; Hardwired vs. Microcoded Moving assembler programs above the line Moving assembler programs above the line Q ALLOC PAGE vs. CP Q ALLOC vs ESAMAP FULIST How to restore VMFPLC dumped files on z/VM V5.1 VM maclib reference {SPAM?} DCSS as SWAP disk for z/Linux DCSS as SWAP disk for z/Linux DCSS as SWAP disk for z/Linux DCSS as SWAP disk for z/Linux DCSS as SWAP disk for z/Linux using 3390 mod-9s Virtual memory implementation in S/370 virtual memory The Pankian Metaphor DCSS DCSS DCSS The Fate of VM - was: Re: Baby MVS??? dcss and page mapped filesystem bandwidth of a swallow (was: Real core) Why these original FORTRAN quirks?

From: on
In article <4564B1BC.6D607D07(a)>,
CBFalconer <cbfalconer(a)> wrote:
> Charlie Gibbs wrote:
> > jmfbahciv(a) (jmfbahciv) writes:
> >
> >> And didn't IBM develop a philosophy of nailing down physical
> >> addresses before anything can get started? This makes sense
> >> if your sysetm is a data processing production system. You do
> >> not want to start a job that needed a resource which doesn't exist
> >> before the job is started.
> >>
> >> I'm not saying this is "wrong". I'm saying that it's a different
> >> approach that has different side effects than waiting until
> >> the second the resource is needed to provide it.
> >
> > Indeed. It's even possible to get into resource allocation deadlocks
> > if you don't have everything reserved ahead of time. In a mindset
> > that insists that a job make it to completion once it's started, the
> > trade-offs are a bit different. (Mind you, few people understand
> > such a mindset these days - thanks to Microsoft, crashes and forced
> > cancellations are accepted as normal.)
> IIRC it is sufficient to describe all non-shareable resources by an
> integer, and insist on accessing those in strictly increasing
> numerical descriptions, while releasing them in the inverse order.

IIRC you are right that if you give every resource a unique number
and access them in strictly increasing order deadlock is impossible.
But I don't think there are any restrictions on the order in which
things are released. (Now someone can correct me if I'm wrong. :-)? )

B. L. Massingill
ObDisclaimer: I don't speak for my employers; they return the favor.