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Sharepoint Listview Fixed Width not working
in interface of sharepoint i modify webpart and select appearance and then select yes to fixed width however list still dynamically increases size and does not stay at the fixed width that i selected of 1200px.....seems like a bug? ... 14 Sep 2009 17:36
How to copy a list item to a different folder within the same list while keeping the ItemID in MOSS or SharePoint's Object Model?
I wanted to know if someone had a method that could be used to move a list item from one folder location to another within the same list (e.g. to a sibling folder) in MOSS 2007 using the SharePoint/MOSS Object Model and retain the same ItemID. The list item has no attachments or anything like that. Example: ... 10 Sep 2009 19:13
EGL Drivers Firmware R4i, R4 Sdhc, M3i Zero, EzFlash Vi Dsi. wlb
Drivers Firmware R4i, R4 Sdhc, M3i Zero, EzFlash Vi Dsi. ---------------------------------- -------------------------------- ------------------------------- ----------------------------- gWvSNN<#x(!g)+QbEl(LF!!MU ... 10 Sep 2009 11:23
recovery model
Hi lambert- 1) is it ok to change recovery model of sharepoint databaes - I want log backup 2)Is there a way to re-direct url from one sharepoint site to another sharepoint site using sharepoint tools?if yes, how? Thanks in advance ... 9 Sep 2009 15:25
Could not find stored procedure 'proc_ar_BumpCacheInvalidationCoun
Everytime we run a profile update, I get this error. We have Standard Edition, this procedure call is for Enterprise. Never have installed Enterprise, not sure why it's looking for it. Any thoughts? Bryan Event Type: Error Event Source: Office SharePoint Server Event Category: Office Server General Eve... 3 Sep 2009 05:23
WSS SharePoint Search returning no results.
I have been task with a WSS SharePoint Search issue. The issue is that there are no results returned for most SharePoint sites. Our environment is a Windows 2008 64 bit SQL 2005 backend and using one content DB to host multiple host header sites. Two Frontend Servers one running Windows 2008 64 bit running SharePoi... 5 Feb 2009 20:15
One last script to add the templates
I don't know why they didn't include complete instructions. Paste the following into notepad and save it as a .bat file. Execute the .bat file in the same directory where your templates are located, or change the pathname for each file in the script to reflect the location of your templates. The .bat file should... 28 Jan 2009 15:32
Help Desk Application Template - Cannot change status options
Has anyone else run into this? I am customizing one of the application templates from MS for sharepoint, specifically the help desk template. I figured out how to modify the content type "Service Request" and then edit the site column "Status". But when I go to edit the status site column, which is a "Choic... 27 Jan 2009 17:28
WSS Search - Invalid Login after changing SQL sa Password
So I changes the SQL Server's sa Password and now it seems to have affected the WSS Search. I though I was using <domain>\WSSSearch as the user to log into the DB. THough it turns out I'm not... So in SQL I've made sure that <domain>\WSSSearch is a user, can login and can access the DB WSS_Search_SVR-WEB_C... 2 Feb 2009 03:09
Sharepoint Search simply won't work
Every time I start a full crawl, the following warning gets logged in the event log. No results ever appear in search results: The start address <sts3://sharepointadmin.<domainname>/contentdbid={4929e35c-647f-4b3e-9c9c-343b24d7e391}> cannot be crawled. Context: Application 'Search index file on the search ser... 4 Feb 2009 05:26
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