From: Michael Penzkofer on
Joe Forster/STA schrieb:

>> nothing to do.


>> You know the sites since 1996 (!) and now are going this way?
>> Your dope must have been bad...

> You don't realize that you're not pissing me off, by not honoring the
> copyright and licence of the XE1541 cable, but those people - Nicolas
> Welte and Wolfgang Moser - who created the cable, do you?

hmmm.... never seen this this way. BOTH have posted same tree, BOTH are
knowing BOTH of us more than 10 years now... ;-) and BOTH (including
YOUR person!) are honored enough for my taste...
And last not least I dont think they need really your help if something
that way is going wrong since than...Both are friendly and nice people
with lots of iedeas and help for the community. IF one of them during
our dicussions late 90th should have had such problems I would really
wonder, why they dont have said this that time and why they now shoulkd
need our assistance!
BTW: Nicolas has been involded in the "development" of the kit...

You've done
> something similar once with the XP1541 parallel cable - having started
> to sell them as part of the C64S LPT adaptor,

yep, see: for example in same document.

Thats for sure another thing youre offering at

Just to remind you: the adaptor is ONE piece, published at ONE time. So
what about "again...again...again...) ?

without asking me,

To place a 2x8-pin-connector on a wire I've to ask YOU? Hey... afteron
whe might discuss who one of us has been first with this idea... you
have done more marketing, thats all.
I dont like to be asked if someone is placing 6 stripes in a row to
adapt the datasette also at his "cables"... ;-) Everyone may feel free
to do if he likes to do, even if I for sure firat have realized this
plug. Or shall we ask Commodore??? (for the stripes?)

Such lousy things are really out of interest. Ok, I noticed you like to
have been asked just before I place 2x8 pins at the adaptor?
You really read what Nicolas and Wolfgang have written?
(Please dont write "YES"... you haven't! And if you really should have,
ask someone to explain the meaning...!)

> person who came up first with that cable -, although, I admit, there
> was no apparent copyright or licence of that cable back then.

Cable and lateron the adaptor are part of the "C64S"-package of Miha
Peternel. See README.TXT on each copy of C64S
I have only produced and selled all the stuff...
THE "E"-extension always points to your site... so what?

And I'm proud to say that a lot of changes and ideas have been done in
the scene BEFORE creating the adaptor. With Nicolas and Wolfgang
also... years ago, without any "Joe"....

And I'm proud that they helped FOR THE IDEA to grow forward..

And now
> you do it again - intentionally or not? I don't know - and snap back
> when your attention is called to this problem?!

You didnt snap back: you re a bluffing like a dog.
Nothing has changed since 1999, except that I pointed to the new price
at my site.... yes, this was intentionally.
So I don't "oops" did it again ;-)
click here:

> I agree, there's not much more to discuss. I was willing to forget about
> our past battles;

hmmm, seemed to be failed.

I was actually trying to help you, by sharing my bad
> experience with the not really selling XEP1541 adaptors.

Explain.... sent an email... but dont open next public battle.

However, you
> got so blind with your hatred against me that you didn't (want to)
> understand what I mean. Very, very, very sad, you should be ashamed of
> yourself!

ok, so I would appreciate this link:
Maybe one of them is reachable from Hungary...

Ey boy: 10 years ago we met first time. Maybe you've been young.
10 years later I awaited to find a man... but.... ;-)

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