From: "FromTheRafters" erratic on
"~BD~" <> wrote in message

> Have you time to post a screenshot of this thread as *you* can see it?

Time I got, it is desire that I lack.

From: "FromTheRafters" erratic on
"~BD~" <BoaterDave.always(a)> wrote in message

> I've had a play on my wife's laptop. The Eternal-September server show
> exactly the same as BT/Giganews!
> However 'msnews' shows a completely different 'picture', rather as you
> implied, viz:-

That's how the threading appears to me.

> Maybe my lack of trust in, well, *anything* (!) has been exacerbated
> by poor Microsoft server information!!!

Something is amiss for sure, but I can't continue in this thread as it
has exceeded the "two Dave limit".

From: David H. Lipman on
From: "FromTheRafters" <erratic>

|'s a jumble out there.

| As David Kaye has not yet been called "Dave", having reached the limit
| was a premature call.

....a fly in the ointment...

Multi-AV -

From: David Kaye on
"FromTheRafters" <erratic> wrote:

>David Kaye's reply to me didn't show up on my system, it appears as if
>you replied to me and addressed all of your comments to him (not me).

As far as my participation, I reply to people whose messages I see. Where my
replies go from there is anybody's guess. Usenet is a world of alternate
realities with no two servers having the same content, numbering, or threading
schemes. Sometimes posts disappear because of the X-no archive flag some
people like to put into their posts. Some Usenet servers actually discard
these posts entirely. Other situations might be ASCII that looks like binary
(such as 8-bit character sets) being rejected by those news servers that
refuse to distribute binaries.

>Then again, it appears to me that, in turn, David Kaye replied to Peter
>with comments addressed to you (not Peter). On your screenshot, it
>appears that nobody has replied to Peter and David Kaye *did* reply to

To be honest I don't often pay attention to the name on the post. I reply to
content. I did reply to one message after someone (who?) posted a link to a
screen snap showing the thread and a message to me which I hadn't otherwise

>It could be misthreading due to missing posts. It looks like MS can't
>even do NNTP right.

May not be a MS problem. Usenet is not perfect, but it's damned good for what
it is. So a posts gets missed here and there. It's not the end of the world
and it's certainly not a reason for some people to get bitchy about it.

ALSO NOTE that Usenet netiquette is that all posts are OPEN TO ALL, they're
not addressed to specific people. I often use someone's post as a springboard
for something and may not be replying directly to them or answering their
question or their comment

CROSSPOSTING: Also note that if a post is crossposted to several newsgroups
and one of them is moderated, NONE of the copies will go out until or unless
the moderated newsgroup approves it. If the moderator doesn't approve it it
won't show up elsewhere either. This is a good argument against crossposting.