From: scully on
hijacked all processes
safe mode - alt f4 altx altq esc
wont shut it down - - cant find any way to track the offending file[s]
it sits in the center of the screenshowing x amount of errors etc
open the license manager is all you can do and it attempts to load a
web page
From: David H. Lipman on
From: "scully" <scul(a)>

| hijacked all processes
| safe mode - alt f4 altx altq esc
| wont shut it down - - cant find any way to track the offending file[s]
| it sits in the center of the screenshowing x amount of errors etc
| open the license manager is all you can do and it attempts to load a
| web page
| scul
| scul

Does it load in Safe Mode ?

Multi-AV -

From: ezay hayhay on

Same thing happened to me today luckily i had another guest account to
sign into!

all i did was use the system restore program and that did the job

search it in your windows tab bottom left corner

hope that helps

good luck

ezay hayhay
ezay hayhay's Profile:
View this thread:

From: Marty Lobaugh on
On Nov 15, 7:55 am, "David H. Lipman" <DLipman~nosp...(a)Verizon.Net>
> From: "scully" <s...(a)>
> | hijacked all processes
> | safe mode - alt f4 altx altq esc
> | wont shut it down - - cant find any way to track the offending file[s]
> | it sits in the center of the screenshowing x amount of errors etc
> | open the license manager is all you can do and it attempts to load a
> | web page
> | scul
> | scul
> Does it load in Safe Mode ?
> --
> Dave
> Multi-AV -

Just had the same problem, and I can run in safe mode but I can't do a
system restore. Not sure how to fix the problem yet.
From: David H. Lipman on
From: "Marty Lobaugh" <martylobaugh(a)>

| Just had the same problem, and I can run in safe mode but I can't do a
| system restore. Not sure how to fix the problem yet.

ist start to killing and running processes associated with this and then find where the
load posints are such as the Reguistry Run and Programs/Startup and remove the rogue from

Then reboot in Normal Mode and install Malwarebyte's Anti Malware, update it and scan the

Multi-AV -