Prev: body is an antennae for crystal radio but is DNA also an antennae? #259 Atom Totality #30 Brain Locus theory
Next: how does the mind work if it is a neutrino brain-locus? #261 Atom Totality #32 Brain Locus theory
From: Archimedes Plutonium on 3 Aug 2010 02:20 The Universe should be simple. And if there is superdeterminism enforced by the Nucleus of the Atom Totality, using photons and as typically a EM radio, then it is going to be rather messy of a Universe. Physics and science should be simple, not messy. There is a way out of this messiness, and that is the neutrino as the brain locus with a neutrino radio. I was looking on the web for any discussion of a neutrino radio and found this site of a New Scientist article of recent: --- quoting two snippets from --- The problem is that neutrinos are so small that 50 trillion neutrinos pass through each person every second without interacting with a single atom in anyone's body. .. .. When a neutrino does strike part of the Moon, it gives off a nanosecond-long radio-wave burst. By recording those waves, radio telescopes can turn the Moon into the largest neutrino detector in history. --- end quoting two snippets from --- It seems to me to be a far more simple and orderly universe if the brain locus that controls all living creatures for superdeterminism, that a neutrino would be far better suited to that task. And if that is correct, then we can safely say that the neutrino is the spark of life or the biology particle of physics. Archimedes Plutonium whole entire Universe is just one big atom where dots of the electron-dot-cloud are galaxies |