Prev: brain locus as a Neutrino Radio & neutrinos as the biology-particle of physics #260 Atom Totality #31 Brain Locus theory
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From: Archimedes Plutonium on 3 Aug 2010 02:29 Archimedes Plutonium wrote: > The Universe should be simple. And if there is superdeterminism > enforced by the Nucleus of the Atom Totality, using photons and as > typically a EM radio, then it is going to be rather > messy of a Universe. Physics and science should be simple, not messy. > There is a way out > of this messiness, and that is the neutrino as the brain locus with a > neutrino radio. > > I was looking on the web for any discussion of a neutrino radio and > found this site of a > New Scientist article of recent: > > --- quoting two snippets from --- > > > The problem is that neutrinos are so small that 50 trillion neutrinos > pass through each person every second without interacting with a > single atom in anyone's body. > . > . > When a neutrino does strike part of the Moon, it gives off a > nanosecond-long radio-wave burst. By recording those waves, radio > telescopes can turn the Moon into the largest neutrino detector in > history. > --- end quoting two snippets from --- > > It seems to me to be a far more simple and orderly universe if the > brain locus that controls all > living creatures for superdeterminism, that a neutrino would be far > better suited to that task. > > And if that is correct, then we can safely say that the neutrino is > the spark of life or the biology particle of physics. > So how would the mind of a biology creature work if it is a neutrino brain-locus at work and since as the above New Scientist article suggests that 50 trillion neutrinos pass through a human body per second, we can imagine say 10 neutrinos stopping in the brain locus of a human per second and that of those 10 each delivering a continuous thought process for that elapsed second of time. There maybe pictures in the mind or speech in the mind or abstraction. Much like a TV set as the mind, only run on neutrinos, not EM waves. Archimedes Plutonium whole entire Universe is just one big atom where dots of the electron-dot-cloud are galaxies |