From: Archimedes Plutonium on 14 Jun 2010 15:50 Let me backtrack a little here and using Wikipedia information to make my point clear. --- Quoting Wikipedia on Wegener --- Alfred Lothar Wegener (1 November 1880 November 1930) was a German scientist, geophysicist, and meteorologist. He is most notable for his theory of continental drift (Kontinentalverschiebung), proposed in 1912, which hypothesized that the continents were slowly drifting around the Earth. However, Wegener was unable to demonstrate a mechanism for continental drift, which, combined with his mostly circumstantial evidence, meant that his hypothesis was not accepted until the 1950s, when numerous discoveries provided evidence of continental drift.[1][2] --- end quoting Wikipedia --- Wegener wrote a book in 1915 titled (English translation) "The Origin of Continents and Oceans" Of course we all know that Charles Darwin wrote his famous book in 1859 titled "On the Origin of Species" No, I am never going to title the Atom Totality theory as "On the Origin of the Universe" But what I want to point out is how mischevious is a science community and mischevious are scientists when they cover the history of science. Note the evaluation of "circumstantial evidence" but that moniker was seldom applied to Darwin. The history of Darwin's theory was that it divided people into believers and nonbelievers immediately. So that by 1860 there was a large fraction of the science community that accepted the theory and a fraction that did not. As for Wegener and Continental Drift, by 1916 there was no fraction of acceptance by the science community and it was not due to whether the evidence was considered circumstantial or not circumstantial. The problem was that the theory did not stir up the public to care for the truth of whether it was true or not true. In the case of Darwin, the theory immediately caught the general public attention. It can be argued that Darwin's book was just as circumstantial as was Wegener's considering that DNA was not discovered until the next century. So is it reasonable to have told Darwin, that his theory of evolution was unsatisfactory until the day in which or the century in which DNA was discovered, the genetic unit of inheritance, and until long after DNA discovery and to see how DNA works, to tell Darwin that his evidence must wait until then? Just as it happened to Wegener, that he had a brilliant theory and had astounding evidence to support it, yet faced a backward and dullard science community. So we should not be labelling Wegener as circumstantial evidence, because Darwin's book would have to have been labelled thus. But, rather, to be more technical about the history of science, is that in most cases of the discovery of big science, is that the founder of the big science is not lacking in evidence and that the evidence is not circumstantial, but rather the blame lies mostly on the fact that the social network and science community are too stupid in logic to appreciate the new theory. If the science community of geologists from 1915 to 1960, had had a modicum of logic, just a slight modicum of logic, would have realized that Wegener had a true theory with ample supporting evidence. The fault was not Wegener but the poor logic of the geology community, and then also, the poor news media covering the story. We see that even today, with Wikipedia writing -- "circumstantial evidence". Why not write "circumstantial evidence" in Wikipedia's entry on Darwin with his Origins of Species. Now, on to Atom Totality. I can be faulted for this book by those who would want to label it as "circumstantial evidence". But that only reflects more on the illogical mind of the attacker. When you have the Cosmic Microwave as blackbody microwave, that evidence alone trashcans the Big Bang theory When you have evidence that the Cosmos is missing over 90% of the mass/ matter and you know that the mass of a atom resides mostly in the Nucleus, can be called "circumstantial evidence", just as Wegener noticed that the continents fit together like a jigsaw puzzle, yet labeled as circumstantial evidence. So these things such as labeling of circumstantial evidence, has more to do with the people who are too dumb to understand science and who are trying to thwart science. Than it has anything to do with science itself. Now it is funny how noone said to Darwin that his theory must wait for "more evidence" such as perhaps the discovery of DNA. They did require of Wegener to come up with a mechanism, even though Wegener listed the Atlantic Ocean Ridge as evidence. So the antiscientists really attacked Wegener quite harshly, demanding far more than what any reasonable, modicum of logic person would need in order to accept a theory that is offered. With the Atom Totality theory, just the fact that the Microwave is Blackbody Microwave should alone be the fact that tosses out the Big Bang theory. Then you couple that with the fact that missing mass resides in a Nucleus of an Atom Totality is more than enough evidence. To require that I prove Dirac's new-radioactivities, as the mechanism of how the Cosmos grows, is a reasonable requirement, but the proof that the Universe is an Atom Totality should have come with the singular data that the Microwave Background Cosmic Radiation is Blackbody. Even if Wegener had seafloor spreading in his book of 1915, that is not as good of proving evidence of Continental Drift, because we need a theory of the interior of Earth as to how seafloors can spread. So the data of a Blackbody Microwave is far more proving of the Atom Totality theory than even if Wegener had seafloor spreading data in his 1915 book. What was the most compelling evidence in favor of Darwin's Evolution theory of 1859? It was none of the thoughts and arguments in his book of 1859, but rather in something that few people in and out of science recognize which caused the immediate acceptance by a large fraction of the science community. It was the fossil record of all those annoying bones of ancient animals that were far different from the bones of any living species. So Darwin's proving evidence or deciding-evidence was nothing in his book but rather the fossil record itself. The fossil record for Darwin Evolution was the Deciding Proof that Darwin was correct or at least on the path of a correct theory (since the Atom Totality theory even revises Darwin Evolution theory with superdeterminism). For the Atom Totality theory, we already have the deciding proof evidence. Only the inside of a big atom can you have Blackbody Microwave Radiation. The Universe is a entity, a present day entity, a structure, and a structure that causes the microwave radiation to be blackbody. This evidence alone throws out the Big Bang theory. But I realize that most people are not very logical, most people, even those in the sciences are far more sentimental than they are logical. Most people, in the sciences have a skill of being good with some mathematics of science, but when it comes to independent logical thoughts, they are incapable and revert to being a "parrot of science." A logical person, a true scientist, knows that if you have Cosmic Microwave that is Blackbody, means that you have proven the Universe is a big atom. To further that proof, we can show that the mass of the Cosmos is in a Nucleus, so that we would be "missing over 99% of the mass observed". To further the proof, I can show that Dirac's "new radioactivities" is how the Cosmos is built. Archimedes Plutonium whole entire Universe is just one big atom where dots of the electron-dot-cloud are galaxies
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