From: Sahra winter on
I have a main Gui & by selecting one of its menu options a 2nd gui appears. I'd like these 2 gui's to connect at all times. Primary this 2nd gui sets 6 adjustable variables & I want them to be a available at all times. I do not want a modal dialog, since that under rules the availability of the main gui's options at some instances.
please let me know how I can have a 'live" connection between my gui's.
p.s. I made these guis with GUIDE

any help is appreciated
From: Walter Roberson on
Sahra winter wrote:
> I have a main Gui & by selecting one of its menu options a 2nd gui
> appears. I'd like these 2 gui's to connect at all times. Primary this
> 2nd gui sets 6 adjustable variables & I want them to be a available at
> all times. I do not want a modal dialog, since that under rules the
> availability of the main gui's options at some instances.
> please let me know how I can have a 'live" connection between my gui's.
> p.s. I made these guis with GUIDE

You could start with 'global' and get it working that way, before moving on to
more sophisticated methods.
From: Sahra winter on
Dear Walter
thanks for replying to my posts. I know there are problems associated with using global variables & I'm trying to avoid them as much as i can.
Fom what was pointed out to me in my last post, (the example of Icon Editor in matlab docs), i tried to hook up the outputs of my 2nd gui to the main one, once I called the 2nd gui for the first time, but don't know how to update them in my main gui, whenever i change something in the 2nd one.

again thanks for helping
From: ImageAnalyst on
Sahra winter:
I guess the next option might be to take a look at getappdata()/
setappdata() or evalin()/assignin()
From: Sahra winter on
can anyone tell me what "'iconEditor'" is in

% in Icon Editor
function guide_Icon Editor_OpeningFcn(hObject,eventdata,handles,varargin)
handles.colorPalette = guide_colorpalette('iconEditor',hObject);
handles.toolPalette = guide_toolpalette('iconEditor',hObject);
% Update handles structure
guidata(hObject, handles);

for complete example go to:
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