From: Abdulhakeem Othman on 25 Mar 2010 18:56 Hello ........ I have an rgb watermarked image ,I need to do these attacks to the image: 1-filtering a-Gaussian lowpass (3x3) b-Median filtering (2x2) 2-Image enhancement a-Edge sharppen b-Gaussian blurring c-Moving blurring 3-Image Mosaic (4x4) I do some of them : 1)a)-Gaussian lowpass %**************** %GaussianLowpass Filter %Read an Original RGB Image Original=imread('lena.bmp'); %Read an RGB Watermarked Image Host=imread('watermark.bmp'); [O1 O2]=size(Host) subplot(3,4,1); imshow(Host);title('Watermarked Image'); %************** %Convert The RGB Watermarked Image to Ycbcr space YCBCR=rgb2ycbcr(Host); subplot(3,4,2); imshow(YCBCR);title('Ycbcr Image'); Y=YCBCR(:,:,1); CB=YCBCR(:,:,2); CR=YCBCR(:,:,3); subplot(3,4,3); imshow(Y);title('Y luminance'); %*************** %*************** %That is the Gaussian lowpass (3x3) H=fspecial('gaussian',[3 3]); Filter= imfilter(Y,H); subplot(3,4,4); imshow(Filter);title(' LowPass Y luminance'); %************* %concatenate the luminance (Y) ,CBand CR concatenate=cat(3,Filter,CB,CR); subplot(3,4,5); imshow(concatenate);title('concatenation Ycbcr'); %************** %Convert to RGB space RGB=ycbcr2rgb(concatenate); subplot(3,4,6); imshow(RGB);title('Recovered RGB Image'); imwrite(RGB,'QaussianFilter.bmp'); %*************** %Calculate the PSNR (for Color Image) mseImage = (double(Original) - double(RGB)) .^ 2; mse = sum(sum(mseImage)) ; summse=0; for i=1:3 summse=summse+mse(:,:,i); end k=(O1*O2); summse=summse/ k; PSNR = 10 * log10( 255^2 /summse) %************************** 1)b) We do the same read original and watermarked images convert the RGB image to YCBCR then do a mdian filter: %Add noise to Y luminance Noise=imnoise(Y,'salt & pepper',0.02); subplot(3,4,4); imshow(Noise);title('Noised Y luminance'); %******************* % Do the median Filter Filter=medfilt2(Noise,[2 2]); subplot(3,4,5); imshow(Filter);title('Filter Y luminance'); %******************** The code is true but I'm not sure if it is 100% true about Gaussian lowpass and median filter. The other I can not do it . Can anyone help me please about the others (gaussian blur ,Edge sharpen...) Best regards
From: ImageAnalyst on 25 Mar 2010 19:35 I didn't try it but the code looks right. You can do many edge filters and sharpening filters with convolution, conv2(). Just set up your kernel properly, for example a high-boost filter would simply be a convolution (or imfilter) with the kernel [-1 -1 -1;-1 17 -1; -1 -1 -1]. One linear edge filter (Laplacian kernel) would be [-1 -1 -1;-1 8 -1; -1 -1 -1]. You can construct others linear filters like this. Non- linear filters (e.g. median) can't be constructed from convolution. The kernel window size (and size of filter contained within that window) has a dramatic effect on the appearance of the output image.
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