From: Greegor on
BS > Marx was a genius, when it came to economics.
BS > As a politician, he was a dud. I do critical
BS > commentary, not fanatical support. Since you
BS > don't seem to be up to critical commentary,
BS > you may not appreciate the difference. And
BS > this is reiterating a point I made later in the
BS > post to which you are responding - you
BS > might go to the trouble of reading the whole
BS > post before you respond to particular parts
BS > of it, if you don't want to be accused of
BS > text-chopping.

You are a NON-PRODUCER living off your wife
and promoting socialism.

How critical can you be?

Wait, you mean as in the academic term
"critical thinking", right?

You hope everybody gets past the idea
that you're a a NON-PRODUCER, living
off your wife and fanatically supporting socialism.

You bemoan the distrust and hostility with
which outright socialism and the political
thoughts of Marx are received by Americans.

After that you try to say you're
not trying to ""sell"" socialism??
From: dagmargoodboat on
On May 20, 1:51 pm, Greegor <greego...(a)> wrote:
> JA > You don't have the first idea what's in Obama's mandatory insurance
> JA > purchase and regulation bill--you're simply regurgitating--and neither
> JA > do you know anything about American health care, so there's really no
> JA > point in debating you on this.

Hey, that makes a nice acronym: MAN-datory I-nsurance PU-rchase and
regu-LATION Bill.

> Slowman's such an inexperienced idealogue that
> it's like arguing religion with a Moonie.
> Come on! An over 50 NON-PRODUCER who
> argues for socialism?

Bill's 67, in the Netherlands, and an expert on all things American.
As a mere American living in America, I'm glad to have such a reliable
source to redoublethink all the things I know directly and confirm
daily with experience into politically correct context: Obama's a
centrist, not the ultra farthest most radical left-voting member of
Congress, and a brilliant Constitutional lawyer, not a former
associate professor and sometime ACORN subprime-pushing counsel.

Bill's said his nanny state host makes it impossible for oldsters like
him to get a job--no one wants to hire 'cause then they're
responsible. Plus the state bribes companies to hire younger workers,
who'd really rather take welfare anywho[sic]. Or something like
that. If I've mischaracterized him I'm sure Bill will correct me.

But he still likes it. What the hell, the money's still free-living
off other people is easy. Problem is, they don't work nearly hard
enough, and they whine. Wimps. Probably racists and Nazis, too. You
know, reactionaries.

> It's a LOT like the old wimpy burger gag.
> "I'll gladly pay you Tuesday for a hamburger today."

I looked into the GRA / 401k thing. If there's a serious attempt to
grab 401ks, I didn't detect it. Not that it couldn't happen, I just
didn't see it in the several articles Yahoo offered up.

James Arthur
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