From: Archimedes Plutonium on
I always enter these challenges by saying they are horrifically
difficult, in case I
make no progress. But it seems as though I always make progress on

Charge as a physics characteristic or attribute, is a rather difficult
concept. Unlike
speed where we know it is distance/time, with charge we struggle to
relate to it.

The best we can do is examine and study magnetism. But even here, it
seems that
the true meaning of charge is foreign to our grasp. Because it looks
like charge is
force, or poetically, frozen force. Charge and magnetism are
unsettling to our minds
and we have to accept them, knowing they are stranger than most
concepts that we
can grasp and quickly understand.

But I have made some progress tonight.

I said in my prior posts, that to understand the basics of charge
would have
to be able to explain the exponent of 10^-19 C for the elementary
charge of
1.6 x 10^-19 C.

If one looks at radius or diameter of the smallest particles in
physics such as
the proton or electron. We know the Bohr radius is on the order of 5.2
x 10^-11 m.
So we are getting close to 10^-19. We know the proton diameter is
1.6 x 10^-15 m. So here with the proton we are only 10^-4 away from

Now we know that the mass of the proton is about 2,000 times larger
than the electron.
Can we thence say that the diameter of the electron in collapsed
wavefunction is
approx 10^-19 meters?

Now notice that the definition of the Ampere is 6.241 x 10^18
electrons passing a given
point per second of time.

Here again, I contend a more accurate number for One Ampere is 6.18 x
10^18 electrons
given my speculation that the elementary charge "e" is actually the
digits of the golden
ratio or the phi number of 1.618 and so, One Ampere should be the
digits 6.18.. and not

Notice also that in the proton diameter, it is reported as 1.6 x
10^-15. So the "phi number"
is blossoming out all over the place in physics.

So now, how do I derive the elementary charge "e" purely out of math
without ever
doing any physics experimentation? Well, it is not going to be as
challenging or
difficult as was deriving the speed of light out of pure math, and I
still have some
lingering issues with that derivation as to why 1/8 of the distance of
the log-spiral
is used. But the derivation of the speed of light out of pure math is
a beautiful
tour in physics and math, in that every sphere surface embodies the
speed of light
as a division of its meridians by a log spiral.

The adventure of deriving elementary charge from pure math is not as
but more straightforward. This is so, I suspect, because charge is
more of a
force than a parameter. With speed we can break it down into distance
and time.
With charge, well, it is a quasi force itself. That is why the
definition of charge and
ampere are really only a repeat of the Coulomb force law.

So, let me derive elementary charge out of pure math. We are going to
say that in
physics there is a smallest particle between the proton or electron,
and that be the electron.
The proton diameter is 10^-15 m. The electron diameter we are going to
surmize as
10^-19 meters. Charge itself is geometry and we are going to say that
the proton is
Elliptic geometry and thus, the electron is Hyperbolic geometry such
as the pseudsphere.
This means the proton is positively charged and the electron is
negatively charged.

Now what number is the elementary charge going to have? I have
established that its
exponent is going to be 10^-19 Coulombs because the smallest of the
proton or electron
is the electron. Now all I need to establish the elementary charge is
what numeric value
for the 10^-19 C. And the answer is of course the only number in
mathematics that is
self similar, no matter how big or small in size, the number is
proportionally the same.
Call it the logarithmic fractal number and it is phi or the golden
ratio of (1 + sqrt5)/2 = 1.618.

If you take that number and multiply it by itself you end up with
2.618.. If you take that number
1.618.. and divide it into 1 you end up with 0.618..

So the number phi is like a charge in physics, it is conserved and

Now I maybe able to go further in a derivation by pointing out the
significance of
sqrt5 for the Atom Totality and the division by 2 to make the phi
number. But I think
I have derived it well enough to move on.

Archimedes Plutonium
whole entire Universe is just one big atom
where dots of the electron-dot-cloud are galaxies