From: Renea Francis on 15 Jan 2010 08:37 I am having significant issues forming an index. I have highlighted the word in the document, clicked Insert/Index/then Entry Chosen "Alphabetical" The word "Bryson City" is in the Entry box I then clicked "main entry" and "Apply to all similar texts" What appears on the index is as follows which is what I do NOT want. I want one entry that says, Bryson City, 4,6,7. Not the word Bryson City and the page listed five separate times. Can you please, please help me. B Bryson City 4 Bryson City 4 Bryson City 6 Bryson City 6 Bryson City 7 Please do not refer me to the tutorial. I have written exactly how I tagged the words for indexing. Obviously there is something in the actual index page that I need to select in order for the index to read Bryson City, 4,6,7. That is the guidance I need. Thank you very much, I know there is someone out there who has the answer.
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