From: Archimedes Plutonium on
Portfolio of PAF on 6AUG2010

VZ      15,100
T          5,000

total share-wealth-units last reported which was 5AUG2010 was 20,010
total share-wealth-units today 20,100
realestate land 3APR03 of 3 lots $19,000.
realestate land 30JUL03 another lot $11,500.
realestate land Sept05 another lot $75,000.

Well, I still have a bit of cash to invest and decided I was tired of
seeing the less than
100 share units. So I bought, today, 90 more shares of VZ at 29.30 per
share so as to
give me a total of 15,100 VZ.

I mentioned age in my previous post as I am now 60 years old, and I
feel I have too much
property to take care of, that seems to take up too much of my time of
science research.
So I have decided to downsize my property so as to better manage my
time of the top
priority of science research. I decided to sell some real estate. In
the past, I bought real estate for an insurance counterweight to
stockmarket. Also, real estate was my means of
landscape architecture, but comes a point in life where one has to
tread a different path considering the age. And I am no longer
comfortable with alot of real estate that takes up
too much of my time from science research. Reminds me of my running
when I was young
I could run a 10K in a little over 30 minutes, but I doubt I would
come anywhere near that time
at age 60. What I am doing is planning for old age, and I consider 60
to be the start of old age
since I am reminded that Social Security is on the immediate horizon
also. And in old age, I should be planning for the next stage of
life-- death. So in each stage of life, we should plan
ahead for the next stage.

Archimedes Plutonium
whole entire Universe is just one big atom
where dots of the electron-dot-cloud are galaxies