From: Inverse 19 mathematics on
WE Understand all this is new and different and "provokes envy/sour
grapes amongst some stupid and inadequate fermatist" Fermatists" etc,
but that is the way it is , Mathematics is what it is, None of you
Own it.

0.41421356237 + 0.58578643763 = 1 exact 1^2=1

(code .999 0.999 0.999 1)

0.5 -0.41421356237 =- 0.08578643763 eaxct

0.5 -0.58578643763 = 0.08578643763 exact

0.4999 - 0.41421356237 = 0.08588643763 exact

0.4999-0.58578643763 = 0.08568643763 exact

0.41421356237/0.58578643763 = SQRT of " 0.5"

0.58578643763/0.41421356239 = SQRT of " 2"

THUS the square root of 0.5 and sqrt of 2, have a reciprocal
relationship to the sqrt of 1 and are reciprocally equal, i.e twice
the value of sqrt of 0.5 , = 1/2 the value of sqrt of 2

THE only rational mathematical resolution is the following
mathematics , which is also the proof of Inverse 19 1:3 and 1;6 Which
very few fermatists will understand , certainly not the profane (f)
fermatists. ).5 can ONLY be reciprocal to the sqrt of 1 with 2, if the
value of square root 1 is "triune" with the following mathemmatical

+1x (0.333 , 0.333, 0.333 )=.999 with a fourth value 1-(.333+.333+.
333) =.001

2*3=6--- 3

0.5*4=2---1 (0.333) >>>> -1(0.999)

2* 3=4 " We call this 3 and
equalizationof mathematics"***

0.5*2=1 (0.25) >>> +1