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From: John Butler on 29 Dec 2009 02:27 This is in Altera cylone-3. I have this code which seems to run OK in RTL and gatelevel simulation but I m getting glitches in signaltap and in oscilloscope. The clock is running at 100 MHz but data is being written and read from a Ram every 5 us or so. I am getting glitches in State 2 and 3. The STATE is getting assigned in separate sequential process. Also do I need to put all the signals being checked in the always block ( e.g counter and count_down_cnt etc). always @(STATE or counter) begin: FSM_COMBO1_I case(STATE) ST0 : begin if (!wrempty) begin next_STATE <= ST1; rdreq1 <= 1'b1; end else begin next_STATE <= ST0; rdreq <= 1'b0; end end ST1: begin rdreq <= 1'b0; if (counter == q1_out[19:12] ) begin next_STATE <= ST2; output1 <= 1'b1; counter_data<= q1_immediate[11:0]; counter_sload <= 1'b1; counter_cnt_en <= 1'b1; end else begin next_STATE1_I <= ST1; output1 <= 1'b0; counter_sload <= 1'b0; counter_cnt_en <= 1'b0; end end ST2: begin counter_sload <= 1'b0; if (count_down_cnt == 12'd1) begin next_STATE<= ST3; output1 <= 1'b0; counter_cnt_en <= 1'b0; end else begin next_STATE <= ST2; output1 <= 1'b1; counter_cnt_en <= 1'b1; end end ST3: begin next_STATE <=ST0; end default: begin next_STATE <= ST0; output1 <= 1'b0; rdreq1 <= 1'b0; counter_cnt_en <= 1'b0; counter_data <= 12'd0; counter_sload <= 1'b0; counter_cnt_en <= 1'b0; end endcase end Thanks for your suggestions/ideas.
From: Ralf Hildebrandt on 29 Dec 2009 04:08 Am 29.12.2009 08:27, schrieb John Butler: > The STATE is getting assigned in separate sequential process. Write to a signal/variable only in one always statement! Although Verilog allows the other way, it is a bad coding style and error-prone. > Also do I need to put all the signals being checked in the always > block ( e.g counter and count_down_cnt etc). > > always @(STATE or counter) > begin: FSM_COMBO1_I > > case(STATE) .... If you do it this way: then yes. You have written a pure combinational always statement. For this this is necessary to have all signals in the sensitivity list. But you could merge the combinational always statement that results in the next_STATE signal with the synchronous always statement, that assigns next_STATE to STATE. Then you only have one synchronous always statement and for this only the clock (and an asynchronous reset) needs to be put in the sensitivity list. Ralf
From: Muzaffer Kal on 29 Dec 2009 04:26
On Mon, 28 Dec 2009 23:27:05 -0800 (PST), John Butler <john.butler121(a)> wrote: >I have this code which seems to run OK in RTL and gatelevel >simulation but I m getting glitches in signaltap and in oscilloscope. > You don't define which signals are showing glitches. Are you seeing glitches in STATE or some other signals? >Also do I need to put all the signals being checked in the always >block ( e.g counter and count_down_cnt etc). > For simulation/synthesis matching usually yes. For synthesis only, the tool already assumes it so sometimes there can be mismatches so it's safer to do that. Are you registering rdreq, rdreq1, output1, counter_cnt_en etc. signals ala STATE? If they're not registered and as you don't assign them at the top of FSM_COMBO1_I block, you will get latches for them and these latches may cause the problems you're observing. Also what is next_STATE1_I signal used for? It seems like a typo. -- Muzaffer Kal DSPIA INC. ASIC/FPGA Design Services |