From: Charbel on

I am trying to fit an equation to experimental data.

I'm already familiar with polyfit, and i have succeeded to determine the following correlations:
n=a1+a2*x+a3*x^2+a3*x^3 +..... ( using polyfit)

n=a1+a2*x+a3*k^1+a4*k^2+a5*z^1+a6*z^2 ( x,k,and z are 3 different vectors)

using my proper code, i've succeeded to correlate also:
n=a1*[(x^a2)/(k^a3)] (with a1, a2 and a3 are the 3 parameters to identify)

now the problem is when i'm trying to obtain the following correlation :

n= a1 + a2*[(x^a3)/(k^a4)] + a5*z

polyfit can do that? i have no idea ....

Any suggestions guys?