From: YAG on 13 Jul 2010 11:23 call f1 into b.m file , from a.m file
From: someone on 13 Jul 2010 16:51 YAG <yagyog(a)> wrote in message <1706141999.23341.1279049055859.JavaMail.root(a)>... > call f1 into b.m file , from a.m file If you are trying to execute a subfunction from a separate (out-of-scope) M-file, it can be done, but you must use a function handle. doc function_handle and look at the second paragraph in the Description section.
From: YAG on 14 Jul 2010 10:43 example of code ?
From: Andy on 14 Jul 2010 15:00 YAG <yagyog(a)> wrote in message <248247979.29453.1279133028331.JavaMail.root(a)>... > example of code ? We might ask you the same thing. What have you tried? And how did it not work as expected?
From: YAG on 15 Jul 2010 07:49 yes! %file m1func.m function [ output_args ] = a( input_args ) %file m2callfunc1.m put the code to call function a.....
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