From: TideMan on
On May 26, 8:08 am, Walter Roberson <rober...(a)> wrote:
> anna anna wrote:
> > Walter Roberson <rober...(a)> wrote in message
> > <B1bKn.3504$mj4.2...(a)newsfe08.iad>...
> >> anna anna wrote:
> >> > Hi,i would like to help me on converting image size to 2^N x 2^N.
> >> imresize() ?
> >> If that is not what you meant (e.g., if you have to calculate the new
> >> image yourself) then you need to expand on your needs. Different
> >> resizing methods have different effects on different images; for
> >> example, some are good on scenery but terrible on sharp lines such as
> >> text, and vice versa.
> > Sorry,i didn't explain well what i want.
> > I want to use an image as input in a function which assumes the size of
> > the input to be 2^N x 2^N
> imresize() ?
> What kind of image do you have, and what properties of the image are important
> to be preserved when you resize it? Is there any reason to resize it instead
> of padding it with zeros? Is your image square, and if not then what do you
> expect to have happen with respect to the aspect ratio when you resize?

And as a matter of interest, what function will you be using that
needs dyadic numbers of data? Most modern routines (e.g., FFT,
wavelet decomposition, etc) no longer need dyadic numbers.
From: anna anna on
That i really want to do is to blend a mosaic using Peter J. Burt's andEdward H. Adelson's method.
I have an image (mosaic,e.g.768x574) and i want to make a Laplacian pyramid.
The size of the input image is assumed to be 2^level x 2^level
(level:the height of the pyramid).
Sorry for not explaining well.
From: ImageAnalyst on
So you're done now, right? You've used imresize() if you have the
Image Processing Toolbox, or interp2() if you don't.