From: Archimedes Plutonium on

Archimedes Plutonium wrote:
> Now, one more fascinating idea. What if the Brain Locus is the DNA
> molecule? Then the molecule is a radio and is contained in all the
> body's cells. Is a double helix acting like a
> radio?

Now I went to look to see what proportion of the DNA molecule is so
called "junk"
and here is what Wikipedia had to say about it:

--- quoting Wikipedia ---
The amount of total genomic DNA varies widely between organisms, and
the proportion of coding and noncoding DNA within these genomes varies
greatly as well. More than 98% of the human genome does not encode
protein sequences, including most sequences within introns and most
intergenic DNA.[1]
--- end quoting ---

Now let us ask how much of a radio would be so called "junk", that is,
how much of the
radio is just the hardware that supports the functioning of the radio?
Or we could ask the same question about the cellphone, as to how much
hardware is minimally needed to house the cellphone? I think the
answer would be that for a radio or cellphone that over 90% is housing
hardware to hold the radio or cellphone as a "box container".

Now the nice thing about having DNA as the brain locus radio receiver
is that it is nearby to where the genetics is involved. So that if the
Atom Totality Nucleus wants a mutation, or wants a cancer or disease,
it just is right there in the heredity location.

So let me ask the simple question, is the configuration of DNA/RNA
that of a miniature biological radio receiver? Maybe I should post
this to a sci.electronics newsgroup.

Now the nice thing also, about DNA being the brain-locus is that if
one is the active brain locus and should somehow fail, that another
DNA molecule nearby can become the new brain locus.

And perhaps the acting brain locus has some special atoms around it,
say perhaps lithium for animals, or perhaps molybdenum for plants.

And also, a brain locus theory fits quite nicely with alot of disease
explanations, in that lithium
provides relief to mental illness and depression seems to be
alleviated by electroshock treatment. Also, I have heard that when
someone is confined to a dark and metal enclosure, that their brain
functions less.

Archimedes Plutonium
whole entire Universe is just one big atom
where dots of the electron-dot-cloud are galaxies