From: Fidel Alfaro on

I am trying to introduce a set of surfaces generated by isosurface inside a uipanel which is inside a general figure. This is the code:

subplot(2,2,1,'Parent',handles.uipanel), isosurface(A,0), axis equal, view(3), camlight, lighting gouraud;

subplot(2,2,2,'Parent',handles.uipanel), isosurface(B,0), axis equal, view(3), camlight, lighting gouraud;

subplot(2,2,3,'Parent',handles.uipanel), isosurface(C,0), axis equal, view(3), camlight, lighting gouraud;

subplot(2,2,4,'Parent',handles.uipanel), isosurface(D,0), axis equal, view(3),camlight, lighting gouraud;

And it works, but the surfaces do not appear as 3d volumes, but as "uniform-colored" spots.

When I I put the surface in an independent figure, the surfaces appear as 3d volumes, as wished. This is the code:

subplot(2,2,1), isosurface(A,0), axis equal, view(3), camlight, lighting gouraud;

subplot(2,2,2), isosurface(B,0), axis equal, view(3), camlight, lighting gouraud;

subplot(2,2,3), isosurface(C,0), axis equal, view(3), camlight, lighting gouraud;

subplot(2,2,4), isosurface(D,0), axis equal, view(3),camlight, lighting gouraud;

Can't I have both things? Pretty 3d volumes AND integration in a bigger figure?

Thanks and best regards.