From: Chris Maaskant on
houghi wrote:

> Sorry. Probbably some kind of yeti mindtrick done by the GNOME people
> that I read unstable instead of stable. (Yeah, it is a t not a d.)
I was a little puzzled by your reaction, i blamed my bad english :-)

Chris Maaskant
From: taco on
John Bowling wrote:

> Linux Journal posted an article on Apr 01, 2010 talking about the March
> release of 4.4 and how much of an improvement it is over 4.3.
> I just checked and everything listed for kde in Yast Software management
> is 4.3.5, and I have both backports and community repositories.
> Any idea when it will be available, or is it going to be only available
> for 11.3?
> John

If you definitively want to use kde4.4 you could try the latest fedora 13
distro which has been released this week.
fedora 13 supports kde 4.4. Perhaps not a bad decision after all. opensuse
11.2 is still too buggy in my opinion.
