From: Archimedes Plutonium on

David R Tribble wrote:
> Archimedes Plutonium wrote:
> > Of course I used 10^500 because of its well rounded off. But perhaps
> > the largest number
> > in physics is closer to 10^631 or maybe in the opposite direction of
> > 10^498. The number
> > of Coulomb interactions inside an atom of plutonium is approaching
> > that of 10^400. The number Coulomb interactions inside of Element 109
> > is approximately 10^500. I think we
> > are near to manufacturing element 114 and whose Coulomb Interactions
> > would be larger
> > than 10^500. But this is an assignment for the Physicists to work out
> > as to their largest
> > number, and to their smallest number. Whatever their largest number
> > is, we can take the
> > inverse as the smallest number in physics.
> Given as few as 500 elementary particles (or molecules,
> or asteroids), there are 500! total interactions among them
> (gravitational, electromagnetic, whatever, take your pick).
> And 500! = 1.220x10^1134, which well exceeds 10^500.
> For 1,000 particles or bodies, it's 1000! = 4.023x10^2567.
> Now imagine the celestial bodies in the Oort cloud, which number
> in the millions, and all of which have a gravitational influence on
> one another.

What does your calculator get for 231! =
And what does your calculator get for 10^500 = what N!

Now you can blame me for your misunderstanding of "physics
as much as blame yourself for not understanding "interaction". For I
often just written "Coulomb interactions". So for a bar magnet of its
North and
South poles, I see it as 1 magnetic field, whereas you are seeing this
the result of a large number of protons and electrons involved and the
protons and electrons throughout the Cosmos making that magnetic
So let me apologize for adding to your misunderstanding of "physics
The Coulomb Interaction is the mediating of a photon between a proton
and electron.
So if the number of protons in the Cosmos was 10^60 and the number of
protons and
electrons and photons was 10^61, then we are never going to get
anything far beyond
10^61 or 61!.

The field of study of Combinations and Permutations is a vast field,
and the
factorial -- number of ways of arranging N things into a sequence,
becomes a
large number very quickly, but very much misunderstood in physics.

Now I do not have time to get into this subject with any depth, but
only to start the
conversation. I am not in the position to precision define Coulomb
Interaction, but
as time goes by, I can get at the root of it, and by starting here.

I have the suspicion that N! is the volume of the Cosmos and that the
is related to Time. So that if the Cosmos is a 231Pu Atom Totality, it
has a volume
of 231!. So what are those units of Volume? They are not units of some
but rather they are units of time. Distance and time are interrelated
and can be converted
from one to the other, much as I have done in the derivation of speed
of light
where I convert 5,300 km of the Earth's sphere into 5,300 seconds.

I remarked often before to the Internet sci newsgroups that time is
the arrangement
of atoms. If all atoms that exist were frozen into place, where no
movement or motion
exists, then time would itself stop. To have zero time means there is
no change in position
of all the atoms in the Universe. Now if there is a change in position
of just one atom whereas
all the other atoms remained still, then time still exists.

Now the reason that "time travel" is science fiction and always will
be science fiction is because to travel back in time or forward in
time means you have to rearrange all the atoms
to be in those former or future positions. So a program like the
"Doctor Who" will always
be science fiction.

So now the 231! is a huge number and let us say it is the volume of
the Cosmos in units
of time so that each cubic unit is a cube of time and there are 231!
of these cubic time units.
In some of those cubic time units sits a particle with mass, in others
sit almost a vaccuum.

So that when astronomers claim the Cosmos is 10^14 billion years old,
another way of saying that, is that the Cosmos is 231! time units old,
in which the previous Atom Totality may have
been 228! old.

Now as for the misconception of Coulomb Interactions or interactions
in general, Inside a atom of plutonium also has 231 elementary
particles of protons and electrons, creating a
microworld volume of 231!. So we have big space with a volume of 231!
and a microspace
of inside the atom with volume 231!. So the concept of a physics
interaction is far different
from the idea of everything doing something to everything else.

The concept of Physics Interaction deals more with the idea that a
Magnetic Field is in place
as 1 magnetic field, not as 1,000 electrons doing 1000! interactions.

So I am sorry that all my past posts have only increased the
misconception and misunderstanding of Coulomb Interaction. And that I
never took a time-out to try to
reign in a understanding of ** Physics Interaction**. It will take an
entire big book
to cover the subject, decently, and I never had that time. But can
start it.

Archimedes Plutonium
whole entire Universe is just one big atom
where dots of the electron-dot-cloud are galaxies