From: tara woo on

I have an image and a plotted a dot on it. I want to save the dot on the image without borders and axis. This is the code I used. I used saveas before, but it kept a white strip...Thanks!

hold on;
axis off;
From: tara woo on
by the way, if use the code above, the image will be saved but without the dots. Could anybody help? Thanks a lot!!
From: ImageAnalyst on
On Feb 1, 9:15 pm, "tara woo" <yamiaomiao...(a)> wrote:
> by the way, if use the code above, the image will be saved but without the dots. Could anybody help? Thanks a lot!!

Try export_fig
From: bilal on
buddy change the color of pixel where you want to draw

something..easy haan.
From: tara woo on
Thanks! that was really an easy way to get things done=]