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From: Archimedes Plutonium on 3 Jun 2010 05:24 Come to think of it, the Michelson interferometer was used to try to detect the lumiferous aether wind, for the medium of light to travel in. It was sensitive enough to use the motion of Earth. Thus it is sensitive enough to see if there is a Doppler redshift of Sun to Earth or a blueshift of Sun to Earth. Call it a refurbished Michelson Interferometer. I have some facts in favor of the case I am arguing for. The case being that no Doppler shift can exist on lightwaves because it would violate the Special Relativity principle. The fact is that noone on Earth has ever witnessed a Doppler blueshift or redshift on anything within our Solar System or here on Earth. The only reported blueshift and redshift Dopplers are those reported by astronomers of faraway astro bodies. For sound waves and Doppler shift is commonplace everyday experience, especially for those who live near a train railroad track. But ask yourself, the reader, ask yourself when if ever you experienced a Doppler Effect on light, as common as a Doppler Effect on sound waves? The answer to that is that noone here on Earth has ever experienced a light Doppler shift. Only the reports of astronomers who claim they found a Doppler shift of faraway astro bodies. So do we take their word for it? That they are seeing a Doppler effect, when never any such effect exists here on Earth? So I think the Michelson Interferometer, since it is so accurate in measuring small effects involving lightwaves can be refurbished to measure whether the Sun lightrays are ever Doppler shifted. My hunch is that the Interferometer will report a nonexistant Doppler Effect, just as it reported a nonexistant lumiferous aether. And one has to wonder why noone raised doubt and concern about never seeing any commonplace Doppler shifting of light here on Earth. Surely, if the Doppler Effect exists on lightwaves, that the lightning bolts and flashes in thunderstorms should be a commonplace observation, but in fact, never any commonplace Doppler Effect on light has ever been reported. Now, correct me if wrong, but I think the reported data by Michelson & Morley are the data that would also include the Doppler Effect if any existed. So that Michelson report of the late 1800s that no detection of the aether, can also be said to have reported that the Doppler shift of light is also nonexistant. So that we can take the data and facts of the original Michelson Experiment and conclude the nonexistence of the Doppler Effect on lightwaves. Correct me if I am wrong on that assessement. Archimedes Plutonium whole entire Universe is just one big atom where dots of the electron-dot-cloud are galaxies |