From: David Christensen on
Debian Users & Cygwin:

I have a Perl/ rsync backup script that pulls files from a Windows XP
Professional SP3/ Cygwin 1.5.25 machine. The script worked fine on one
Debian box (5.0.1 upgraded to 5.0.3), but consistently hangs 1,000+
files into a large transfer after I moved it to a fresh Debian 5.0.3
box. Both Debian boxes report rsync version 3.0.3 protocol version 30.
Cygwin reports rsync version 3.0.4 protocol version 30.

Attached files:

1. cygcheck.out -- Cygwin check file.

2. debian-cygwin-20091215.txt -- console session on new Debian 5.0.3

Any suggestions?


From: David Christensen on
Debian Users & Cygwin:

It must have been an owner/ group/ permission issue on the receiving end
(?) -- I moved the destination directory aside, created a new top-level
destination directory, and now the script runs fine. :-)



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From: David Christensen on
Debian Users, Cygwin, & Rsync:

I'm having trouble with rsync invoked on Debian 5.0.3 pulling files from
Windows XP SP3/ Cygwin 1.5.25. I posted to the Debian User and Cygwin
mailing lists [1] and thought I was done two days ago, but I wasn't --
after several hours of use of the Windows machine, rsync would again
hang on Debian.

To summarize, rsync pulls in perhaps 1,000 files from C:\Documents and
Settings, and then hangs indefinitely.

Adding the --timeout parameter seemed to fix the problem last night, but
it's back again tonight.

I've tried adding ten levels of verboseness to rsync (-vvvvvvvvvv), but
no additional information is produced beyond three (-vvv). I don't see
any clues in /var/log on either machine. Are there any other means for
giving visibility to what's going on, other than compiling a debugging
version, running rsync in a debugger, etc.?

A new cygcheck.txt and console session are attached.

Any suggestions?




From: David Christensen on
Stan Hoeppner wrote:

> When did you last run a full check/repair (chkdsk/scandisk/other
> tools) on the file system(s) from which you're pulling the files?

Thanks for the reply. :-)

I don't recall the last time the Windows disk was checked. The Linux
disk was checked at least once within the past week. Checking both just
now yielded nothing; the backup script still hangs.

> If this is a nightly batch job, are you possibly also firing off some
> nightly cron process on the Debian box that may be monkeying with the
> network interface, causing an unrecoverable network reset or
> something similar?

I run the backup script manually.


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