From: Wayne King on
"sscnekro " <stiahni.mail(a)> wrote in message <huuan4$l3o$1(a)>...
> >That said, I'll tell you that user feedback in recent years has been loud and clear on this point. We are seriously looking into it.
> As Steve Eddins describes it, it seems that in reality at TMW they 'd receive a mass of feedback from a broad audience of ML users. As for myself, I have not encountered a standardized possibility (a poll, questionnaire or similar) to discuss my experience with ML and these websites. I know that I can make an e-mail to one of the TMW contacts or write to this newsreader, but that is not standardized communication. For instance I'd like to be asked about help documentation and in particular, on these websites. Does anybody know such possibility?
> BTW: I discovered happy company to have a PR dept 3 (!!!) clicks from main site:
> Jack Little has last posted to the newsreader >10y ago:
> What are your guesses, Folks, how many legitimate posts will need to be added to this thread until he 'd respond? Hey, just pls FEED IN more ideas on what we could undertake.

Hi Sscnerko,

In terms of providing feedback about the documentation, if you look at the bottom of each page, there is a question: "Was this topic helpful?" If you click No and fill out the comment sheet with your email, MW is good about getting in contact with you. Also, if are having difficulty with a particular application, technical support is also conscientious about attempting to solve your problem.

From: sscnekro on
> Sorry, I missed something: Why do you try to contact Jack Little?

Why not, on earth? Anybody can do. In this event, it's a trial *for fun* to see what it gives. His reaction or lack of reaction will say again something on TMW.

You may take it also that way: Suppose you 'd be the founder, with the vison-mission-ambition we already know. Would there be a possibility to contact you?

Obviously, Jan, my background and moves are simply different from yours, that's what I am trying to ask you kindly to get used to. The great thing is that at the newsreader people with different backgrounds can gather together and exchange ideas. Open up yourself ;O)
From: sscnekro on
> if you look at the bottom of each page, there is a question: "Was this topic helpful?"

Thanks, Wayne. Maybe they do not expect under individual pages feedback to the overall hlp doc (as e.g. strengthening the links and comparisons between various functions), but they will certainly not mind if the remarks are more general.
From: Oleg Komarov on
I just think that TMW, being the company it is, should really think more about stability than about toolbox multiplication.
All their policies indicate that they have a really strong commercial dep., maybe too strong IMO.

I won't go into details but I do believe in what I said and don't get me wrong, I really appreciate all the efforts of the TMW staff.

From: sscnekro on
> a really strong commercial dep., maybe too strong IMO.

Agree. You really made the point, Oleg. If they wanted to do things differently, they would do things differently. My first post to join this thread was motivated precisely byt this point - I tried to show Bruno and others that in their turn, as customers - - how is it called, "sie sollen es ihnen nicht gefallen lassen".