From: Alex Mizrahi on 2 Apr 2010 06:14 HB> The constant WXCL:+LIBRARY-NAME+ is being redefined (from HB> "../lib/wxc-msw2.6.2.dll" to "../lib/wxc-msw2.6.2.dll") HB> [Condition of type DEFCONSTANT-UNEQL] HB> What that means ? Is that an error within the package itself or it has HB> to do with something else? You can safely ignore this error. (There is usually an option to continue from it.) It just means that people who wrote defconstant implementation were idiots... To fix this error, find (defconstant +library-name+ and change it to (defparameter +library-name+, in code of wxcl.
From: Haris Bogdanovic on 2 Apr 2010 07:44 > To fix this error, find (defconstant +library-name+ and change it to > (defparameter +library-name+, in code of wxcl. Now I get: Unable to load foreign library (NIL). Error opening shared object "..\\lib\\wxc-msw2.6.2.dll": 126. [Condition of type CFFI:LOAD-FOREIGN-LIBRARY-ERROR] What is the problem now ?
From: Alex Mizrahi on 2 Apr 2010 09:49 ??>> To fix this error, find (defconstant +library-name+ and change it to ??>> (defparameter +library-name+, in code of wxcl. HB> Now I get: HB> Unable to load foreign library (NIL). HB> Error opening shared object "..\\lib\\wxc-msw2.6.2.dll": HB> 126. HB> [Condition of type CFFI:LOAD-FOREIGN-LIBRARY-ERROR] HB> What is the problem now ? The problem is that WXCL is alpha, that is, it is not well-written and doesn't just run without modifications. It looks like it won't work on SBCL at all, unless without serious patching. But I don't recommend using SBCL on Windows anyway, it is port-in-progress and doesn't work well. (That is, it is randomly crashing.) I was able to get WXCL working on CLISP. I had to change source code a bit, in wxcl.asd: (defparameter *wxCL-directory* #p"h:\\lisp\\wxcl\\") :pathname #p"h:\\lisp\\wxcl\\src\\" In src/defpackage.lisp: (defconstant +library-name+ "h:\\lisp\\wxcl\\lib\\wxc-msw2.6.2.dll")) After this I was able to load it in CLISP 2.48: (load "..\\asdf.lisp") (setf asdf:*central-registry* '(#p"h:\\lisp\\wxcl\\" #p"h:\\lisp\\alexandria\\" #p"h:\\lisp\\babel_0.3.0\\" #p"h:\\lisp\\trivial-features_0.6\\" #p"h:\\lisp\\cffi\\")) (asdf:oos 'asdf:load-op :wxcl) ;; and now demo: (load "h:\\lisp\\wxcl\\examples\\button.lisp") It shows some window with a button.
From: Haris Bogdanovic on 2 Apr 2010 20:02 I changed back from sbcl to clisp. When I typed (load "c:/lisp/clisp/asdf.lisp") I get the error: READ from #<INPUT BUFFERED FILE-STREAM CHARACTER #P"C:\\lisp\\clisp\\asdf.lisp" @642>: #1=#<PACKAGE POSIX> has no external symbol with name "UID" [Condition of type SYSTEM::SIMPLE-PACKAGE-ERROR] What now ?
From: Alex Mizrahi on 3 Apr 2010 04:58 (message (Hello 'Haris) (you :wrote :on '(Sat, 3 Apr 2010 02:02:29 +0200)) ( HB> I changed back from sbcl to clisp. HB> When I typed (load "c:/lisp/clisp/asdf.lisp") I get the error: HB> READ from #<INPUT BUFFERED FILE-STREAM CHARACTER HB> #P"C:\\lisp\\clisp\\asdf.lisp" @642>: #1=#<PACKAGE POSIX> has no HB> external symbol with name "UID" HB> [Condition of type SYSTEM::SIMPLE-PACKAGE-ERROR] HB> What now ? Line 643 in asdf.lisp: #-windows (progn change #-windows to #-win32
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